I had one fitted about a month ago but I've given up using it now. I got fed up with having a dialog come up on my iPhone every time I got in the car asking me if I want to allow the adaptor to connect. Mercedes tell me that, unlike every other Bluetooth device, there's no way of getting it to...
Assuming that the unused position is powered and you fit the fuse tap the right way round, yes.
Looking at the fuse tap there will be two contacts which plug into the fuse holder and a wire coming out of one side. The fuse tap needs to be fitted so that the contact farthest from the...
I've just played the same game Littleowl. I fitted the power adapter in the gap on the right hand end of the dash and ran the wires through the foam behind the engine bay fusebox.
I've picked up a two channel dashcam for my S204 Estate. I've got the front installed and working plus I've got the rear mounted but I'm struggling to work out how to route the cable for it. I had thought I could run it through the trunking for the other wires from the hatch and then go straight...