
  1. The _Don

    Kia ambassador Rafael Nadal wins Mercedes-AMG GT, is unhappy about the color

    "It's not a Kia" :0)
  2. JimboDS

    New brand ambassador?

    Not sure I want an AMG anymore after seeing this ;) Even though it is an SLS engine Usher "built" I think it's ultimately trying to make the A class appeal to the youth. I take this as a sign I am no longer part of that demographic :D ;)
  3. Godot

    A letter from the Ambassador

    Dark days indeed. The Nazis have just been pushed back from Stalingrad but are preparing for an offensive in Kursk. The outcome of the war on the Eastern Front is far from being decided, as indeed is the whole outcome of WW2. In typical British spirit, there is only one thing to do in such dire...
  4. 230K

    Imagine the power in this Hindustan Ambassador!

    Hi 35.5 bhp in a car weighing 1200kg:( :( Moulded door and mobile phone charger 230k
  5. Satch

    Ken Livingstone v US Ambassador

    I have always disliked Ken, but becoming clear he has now wholly lost the plot. He might try mentioning that huge unpaid congestion charge and parking fines are racked up by embassy staff from many other countries before ranting about "political decisions" by the US. Livingstone labels US...
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