What are your thoughts on the best area's at donnington park to watch a race?
I'm going to watch the BTCC at donnington this month and not sure where the best views are.
Whilst it's a bit short notice I thought you may like to know that there's a meet of guys/gals from MBOF at Donnington Park tomorrow around 11.am.
It appears that there is plenty of parking.
Meet/chat/eat/museum - what's not to like?
Read this in my local paper this week
Donnington in ruins
More info here
Save Donington
They have set a date for the Day Of Support, March 7th. (that is a Sunday)
Several car clubs will be in attendance.
Anyone fancy going along?
been sent this link for a free day out at donnington park, just register and you can get 4 free tickets per house for the 8/9 september
free tickets for the motor racing at donnington park 10th/11th september
renault challenge
good find