Anyone going this year?
I haven't been for the past few years (since I lost my Mustang) but I am going to go again this year. Used to really enjoy it - although one year I was one of only 7 cars in the display as it was torrential rain - but it's a good day out and you get access to the...
Hi All,
Anyone going to Duxford for the Spring Car Show tomorrow...? We're meeting up with the MBOC in North London and convoying up for the day. Did it last year - fun for 'all the family'.....
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Hey guys,
Have any of you been to the Duxford event before?
I went a couple of years back with Cliff and it was a good event.
Lots of different marques and some good aviation exhibits to look at too.
Is anyone from here going this year?
I think there is also another date later in...
Could have sworn I saw a post on here about this carfest - can't find it! We're going with PCGB in the 968, and the bumf I've had from them says MB Club will be there (among numerous other car clubs) - but all I can find is a group on t'other side!
So - are MBOA going to be representing the...
I was along for the Classic and Car Club Show, showing the Mercedes.
I met some wonderful other Mercedes owners who were all there together, one of which had a Brabus K8 SL55! :thumb: (I'll post some photos later :))
So did anyone else go along?
The SE Region of the Mercedes Benz Club [ie me] is organising an informal meeting [aka GTG] at Duxford Air Museum ...
This an open invitation to all you folks to come along [we are probably meeting from 10:30am]... We had a very successful GTG last weekend [thanks Maff / Paul] and...