This is the phone system I had in my old office. BT Rhapsody, 4 lines, 8 extensions. The system comprises:
* wall-mounted PBX unit (34 x 26 x 45 cm)
* eight handsets
* 19" 1U patchpanel
* wallboxes (enough for the system)
This will be ideal for a small office or a big house. You can call, and...
...if any, will fit a factory-fitted car kit in a MY2000 E320, other than the handset that came with it, a Nokia 5110?
I think this handset may be knackered, as it won't recognise any sim I put in it.
I'm thinking possibly 6210/6310?
Hi Guys
Dunno if this will interest anyone, for me its great as its an excuse to get a nice new gadget.
I have just heard that O2 stores are doing all Handsets free on the O2 network.
You have to connect to a £45 a month tariff for at least 3 months but can then change to any other...