For those of you who live dangerous lives! They've got a choice of 3.
Mercedes W126 Series 500 SEL Armoured Car For Sale (1983) on Car And Classic UK [C309973]
what do people think of these look good or not anybody got pics of them on a w202.
they do them for other cars as well the bmw ones look good.
I wrote a note a while back
and would like to share with you some of the feedback I have had.
I wrote to my MP about this and have been in contact with the Transport Dept. I have in my possession now a...
I have just asked my local "safety camera partnership" how many foreign plated cars went through a speed camera over the past 12 months and how many were prosecuted....
here is the first reply.....
Thank you for your request for information concerning Foreign Plated Cars. This request will...
From Nav's pal Talbir ....
Look at his other items :cool:
Speaking to a guy at work today who had been told (after nearly 9 months of complaining) that the rapidly staining chromed wheels fitted on his wife's PT Cruiser were "not really suitable for use in the UK climate" and would be replaced with something less pretty but harder wearing.
Is this...