
  1. WDB124066

    Training the pussy.

    Sometime ago I trained the pussy to accompany me in the car on long journeys, she had a choice of three or four places to sit, lye or just hang out. Her favorite was on the front seat riding shotgun up on her front quarters leaning for the corners - big smile on her face! Recently she has taken...
  2. Geezer

    Bring it on Pussy!

    I liked this. :rock: BBC News - Fearless toddler's encounter with lion
  3. Mozzer

    Honeymoon pussy pic

    Me and the better half tied the knot 17th September and have just come back from a 3 week honeymoon in Kenya and Tanzania :rock: We went on safari in the Masai Mara and this is my favourite photo so far, he was about 4 metres away when I took this !
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