I'm relatively sure this is a new thing, not something I've just never noticed before; the analogue clock stops when I get out and lock the doors, when I get in later, it will spin round to the correct time, the temp sensor also climbs up from 0 to the right temp when ignition turned on, are...
...that`s the laptop, not me.
Toshiba laptop, Belkin wireless, Vista.
After sleeping the lappy is seeing the router but isn`t connecting to the internets - i`m getting really peeved seeing that bloody `limited conectivity/local only` icon and having to go upstairs and reboot the Belkin.
Hello there.
I love my E300TD W210 estate but it is unbelievably low!
Is this normal?
When I go over a road hump/sleeping policeman the front end digs into the road on the other side.
As a result I find my self doing no more than 15mph which frustrates people following me.
The car handles...
A Canvas for Nature as Artist
The other museum: the Auto Sculpture Park in the Neander Valley
By Janine Albrecht
Parked and never driven another meter. That’s the fate of 50 classic cars from the year 1950. Not because they...
where i live there are 2 sleeping policemen most days i meet someone face to face on top of one of these. they very often shake their fists etc. without probably realising it is my right of way. as they have gone over a halt sign. the worst culprits are 4x4 driver who think they have some divine...