Gert big flakes falling in north Wiltshire. Mostly rain but by 'eck those flakes of snow are HUGE! Only 2c now, dropped 3 degrees in the last 10 mins. Won't last though, hopefully
Not just outside (yes, really ! ! !) here in Bromley (Kent)................... :mad: :mad: :mad:
BUT ALSO...........on the forum ! ! ! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
When did that start ? ? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I like it ! ! ! ! :rock: :rock: :rock:
Well, it's 3 am and there is 3 inches of snow settled here in sunny Somerset.
I've lived here since 1992 and it's not settled before in march, in fact I can't recall march snow before.
My honey bees are going to get a shock, yesterday was sunny and they were
out in force collecting pollen.
I cunningly arranged to meet a client local to me at 1pm today so no need to attempt to get to the office this morning.
Very fortunately my Meguairs mail order arrived yesterday so I have just spent an hour in the garage claying the bonnet and wings of the toerag, whose paint has always been...
Is the big freeze :eek: got to you yet? Or are the reports of Siberian weather heading our way wrong again :D
Think it's going to come in from the north east first, so who will be first to get it??