Hi my orange side marker lights dont work also the speedo llumination bulb dosent work either not sure if they are connected i can see fuse in the diagram and body help ! thanks
Welcome to the forum. Sprinter owners on here are a bit sparse, which is why no one has yet replied. So can you be more specific on the type of Sprinter you have?, I still have my old faithful 1997 312, which is probably somewhat basic compared to the later models. As a rough guess, if both side marker lights have blown, I would probably remove them and check for corrosion of the wires and bulbholders. I would presume that each sidemarker light is wired into the sidelight circuit relevant to the o/s and n/s, so one fuse would not be responsible for both bulbs being out. The speedo illumination, will more than likely just be a blown bulb, and probably need the whole binnacle coming out to replace it, which on my old TN1 is a PITA. However, this can be an MOT failure, depending on how observant the tester is.
"" i can see fuse in the diagram and body "" ---sorry do not understand this bit.
Way to go --- post up your van details and try taking off the side marker lights.
There is also a Sprinter forum, which you might like to have a look at, as lots of interesting reading there. Sprinter - Sprinter-Forum