2020 316 4x4 MWB camper van conversion , done around 20k miles.
One or two periods of inactivity, which have resulted in the rear handbrake linings sticking then detaching themselves from the brake shoes + rear pads bit stuck in their carriers.
New handbrake shoes fitted, pad / carriers cleaned off and copper-slipped by my trusted local garage. All free and good now. Now park it at home with the handbrake off.
Rear wheels turn freely when jacked up, no sign of any dragging at all, but both the rear brakes get quite hot after a run - much hotter than the front brakes. I am not a heavy braker.
Hand brake cables all appear to be free, but my perception is that it is worse after the handbrake has been on.
Any bright ideas as to why it might be happening / other checks I can do?
One or two periods of inactivity, which have resulted in the rear handbrake linings sticking then detaching themselves from the brake shoes + rear pads bit stuck in their carriers.
New handbrake shoes fitted, pad / carriers cleaned off and copper-slipped by my trusted local garage. All free and good now. Now park it at home with the handbrake off.
Rear wheels turn freely when jacked up, no sign of any dragging at all, but both the rear brakes get quite hot after a run - much hotter than the front brakes. I am not a heavy braker.
Hand brake cables all appear to be free, but my perception is that it is worse after the handbrake has been on.
Any bright ideas as to why it might be happening / other checks I can do?