hello all,
im a newbie and this is my first post..
i bought my wifes 230clk convertible in december, its a 2001 model (auto)
over the past few days, ive noticed a some gremlins that are very worrying
1. start the car.. all is good until i put side lights on, message on dash tells me bulb failure !! boot brake light doesnt work, reverse lights dont work, reverse sensors bleep no matter what gear is selected and number plate lights are very dim.. most worrying thing is that if i leave sidelights on and switch the car off and take keys out of the ignition, the engine keeps running
.. engine will switch off if i step on brake or switch off the side lights..
2. everything off.. car unlocked.. i open the boot or turn sidelights on and the ignition lights come on.. (keys in my hand) and engine fan fires up ???
where do i start looking pls chaps?
im a newbie and this is my first post..

i bought my wifes 230clk convertible in december, its a 2001 model (auto)
over the past few days, ive noticed a some gremlins that are very worrying

1. start the car.. all is good until i put side lights on, message on dash tells me bulb failure !! boot brake light doesnt work, reverse lights dont work, reverse sensors bleep no matter what gear is selected and number plate lights are very dim.. most worrying thing is that if i leave sidelights on and switch the car off and take keys out of the ignition, the engine keeps running

2. everything off.. car unlocked.. i open the boot or turn sidelights on and the ignition lights come on.. (keys in my hand) and engine fan fires up ???
where do i start looking pls chaps?