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265/35 vs 245/40


MB Enthusiast
May 12, 2007
E500 & Fiat 500
I've only just noticed that tyre place fitted 265/35's rather than the original 245/40's.

The rolling radius is up marginally at 1.6%. But they do offer a bit more rim protection (a bit of a problem with the 18 inch AMG rims). They are Y rated as opposed to W. The ride seems fine. And course they look marginally better.

I don't know if this is actually an OEM-recommeded size (haven't had time to check yet) but what would you do?

Keep them and have the same fitted to the front when they need replaced? Or go back and get the tyre place to fit what was there before?

Interested in your thoughts.
Unless you have staggered rims the correct size for S212 18" tyres is 245x40's all round.
Before asking for the tyres to be changed, check the rear alloys for width.

If they are staggered rims, they will be 9J rears. If they are are the same as the front, they will be 8.5J

Have a look in the link below for your tyre and scroll down to see the tyre size recommended.

Mercedes E Class Estate Alloys (S212) - Alloy Wheels Direct
Did they charge for 265,s as opposed to 245,s if not, say nothing and expect to get the fronts done similarly if all ok.
Check that the tyre width is permitted for the rim width.

Not a good idea to have a wide tyre over a narrower rim.

And I think you may need to inform your insurer re the deviation from the original tyre spec.
Unless you have staggered rims the correct size for S212 18" tyres is 245x40's all round.
Before asking for the tyres to be changed, check the rear alloys for width.

If they are staggered rims, they will be 9J rears. If they are are the same as the front, they will be 8.5J

Have a look in the link below for your tyre and scroll down to see the tyre size recommended.

Mercedes E Class Estate Alloys (S212) - Alloy Wheels Direct
I bought the rims for a forum member. They weren't staggered. By memory they are all 8.5's but I'll have to check.
Did they charge for 265,s as opposed to 245,s if not, say nothing and expect to get the fronts done similarly if all ok.

LOL the invoice is for 265's. I was just in a hurry at the time and didn't check.

They were only £116 each so a good price
Did they charge for 265,s as opposed to 245,s if not, say nothing and expect to get the fronts done similarly if all ok.

LOL the invoice is for 265's. I was just in a hurry at the time and didn't check.

They were only £116 each so a good price.

EDIT. I also have the invoice from the same place when I originally bought the rims and had a full set of 245's fitted.

Looks like it's an honest mistake. They must have looked up the spec for a 212 Sport on staggered Style IV's.
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Check that the tyre width is permitted for the rim width.

Not a good idea to have a wide tyre over a narrower rim.

And I think you may need to inform your insurer re the deviation from the original tyre spec.

Yes I've seen comments on insurance on other threads. I'll give them a call.
EDIT; my call to the insurance company has so far lasted 28 minutes. Still none the wiser. Sigh.
Before asking for the tyres to be changed, check the rear alloys for width.

If they are staggered rims, they will be 9J rears. If they are are the same as the front, they will be 8.5J

Is there any way to check the rim width without removing the tyre? is it stamped on the outside of the rim somewhere?
^ Yes, its on an inside spoke so wheel off to check unfortunately.

Just had a long and complicated call with the insurance company (ar at least with Hastings Direct, the broker) as this thread reminded me that I'd totally forgotten to notify them that I'd changed from 17's to 18's in the first place. A senior moment......

All they were bothered about was rim diameter and width. Lots of toing and froing from them to the insurer and back and in the end I was given £16 back.....LOL.

I asked if they cared about tyre width and they said no.

I'm not entirely convinced that the broker fellah new his **** from his elbow but for now I'm insured on 18's with tyres of indeterminate width.

Next stop will be back to the tyre place to get the wheels popped off to check on the actual rim widths. I'm pretty sure that I checked that they were all 8.5's when I bought them but will double-check; maybe the fitter saw the width marker and it actually said 9 inches and actually fitted the correct tyre.

If not I may have to revert to standard if having a non-OEM-standard wheel/tyre combo is a grey area.
Can you fit a mirror in between the spokes, save you taking the wheel off!
^ I'd get that confirmation on paper if I were you. Just ask them to email what the broker said.
I believe it was Hastings that were involved with some discrepancy of proof for someone else here.

Looking at the link I posted earlier, the car could have been fitted with 16" - 19" alloys when it left the assembly line so any wheel should be OK.
Are the correct fitment rims on this car? Suspect the "aftermarket" are all one size?

AMGeed has it correct, W212 on staggered 8.5/9 wear 245/265 as a rule. The 40 versus 35% nearly compensates for the sidewall height front/rear.

An 8.5j rim would generally wear 225 - 255 unless you are a "dubber".

You could really blow the insurers mind and ask "do the tyres need to be stamped MO".

Assumption is that the car left the factory with 265 at the rear and tyre fitters database showed this,
I wouldn’t worry about the Insurer. Just try to get a suitable tyre/rim combination.
^ I'd get that confirmation on paper if I were you. Just ask them to email what the broker said.
I believe it was Hastings that were involved with some discrepancy of proof for someone else here.

Looking at the link I posted earlier, the car could have been fitted with 16" - 19" alloys when it left the assembly line so any wheel should be OK.

Well a lot of the conversation seemed to be around whether the particular rims were within the definition of "OEM".

These are - sort of - in that an 18 x 8.5 inch rim is a standard fitment - at the front, anyway. Although looking at the price list all the Sports had 9.0's at the back. And staggered tyres too. Hmmmm.

So to be pedantic, and to be "as OEM as possible", I guess I should match the tyre to the rim - ie stick to a 245 tyre on an 8.5 rim.

I'll take my original and new invoices round to the tyre place tomorrow and work out the best course of action.
Are the correct fitment rims on this car? Suspect the "aftermarket" are all one size?

AMGeed has it correct, W212 on staggered 8.5/9 wear 245/265 as a rule. The 40 versus 35% nearly compensates for the sidewall height front/rear.

An 8.5j rim would generally wear 225 - 255 unless you are a "dubber".

You could really blow the insurers mind and ask "do the tyres need to be stamped MO".

Assumption is that the car left the factory with 265 at the rear and tyre fitters database showed this,

Good point - you may be right - when I got it it had winters on 17's. I'd always assumed that they were the factory wheels but maybe not.

The rims I fitted came off a 500 Coupe. I looked back in our communications and the seller did originally tell me that they were staggered. But it was a while ago and my memory is hazy and I thought they weren't. So I looked for the original tyre invoice but couldn't find it. But I did find an ATS air con regas invoice from the summer which included a free tyre and check and they had the rears as 265's. Oh.....

So I suspect I may well have confused my original non-staggered rims with these ones. Will still ask the tyre guys to double check the rim widths but TBH I would be surprised if they had made such a basic mistake.

Fingers crossed that that's the case and that my dimness and all these replies have actually helped in that at least I've now notified the insurance company of my "modification" and that they've actually given me some monet back (!).

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