I have it on my e350 and was wondering what exactly it does. Did a bit of googling but with no clear results in terms of understanding the behind the scene.
so basically I have this option and what I can see is that in the center armrest I have a “thing” that I guess should be a phone holder receiver. Also in the command Tel menu I have an option for convenience phone, which I guess would be the one on the “thing”.
so the big question is: can I make any use of this option nowadays?
I can connect my phone hi BT for all the hands free benefits, but not sure if this is thanks to the “thing”.
considering it has to be wired somewhere, could I make any use of that wiring? Like adapting it for phone charging?
mid no use at all, can I just take it out and benefit the extra space? Anyone did this?
Any inputs are more than welcomed.
LE: picture added (with two positions like extended and not or whatever). Excuse the mess

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