My C320 Coupe (manual g/box) have developed a quite subtle rattle when I turn right. Its quiet enough that I can't hear it with either window open, but when going around a roundabout at 20mph+ I can hear a rattle through the chassis.
- I cant feel anything through the wheels/pedals/seat, just hear it.
- It stops as soon as I centre the wheel or turn left
- Dipping the clutch doesn't stop the noise
- It sounds to me like its coming from the front, although its hard to tell
Having read a bit about CV joints, it sounds like this may be my problem.
Car was MOT'd last week, the only advisories where slight play in front wheels bearings both sides...(could these be causing the noise?) and there is a note that the lower engine tray was fitted, presumably this means they didn't inspect the front CV joint boots......
I've not actually done a CV joints before, but im pretty sure I can do it using the guides on you tube....my problem is,....where can I actually get one? Neither GSF or Euro stock them for my car....and I've no doubt that MB will ruin me.
I might run it for a bit to see if it gets any worse (no doubt it will). For the time being its not causing a problem or intrusive, but I can definitely hear it.
If I take the front wheels off and have a look, will CV damage be obvious (I could see earlier that the outer ones certainly aren't split/leaking, but I cant tell if they are knackered internally.
Are there any other common C320 faults that might cause this noise that I should be aware of before I write off next weekend getting oily?
Car is on 60k miles.
My C320 Coupe (manual g/box) have developed a quite subtle rattle when I turn right. Its quiet enough that I can't hear it with either window open, but when going around a roundabout at 20mph+ I can hear a rattle through the chassis.
- I cant feel anything through the wheels/pedals/seat, just hear it.
- It stops as soon as I centre the wheel or turn left
- Dipping the clutch doesn't stop the noise
- It sounds to me like its coming from the front, although its hard to tell
Having read a bit about CV joints, it sounds like this may be my problem.
Car was MOT'd last week, the only advisories where slight play in front wheels bearings both sides...(could these be causing the noise?) and there is a note that the lower engine tray was fitted, presumably this means they didn't inspect the front CV joint boots......
I've not actually done a CV joints before, but im pretty sure I can do it using the guides on you tube....my problem is,....where can I actually get one? Neither GSF or Euro stock them for my car....and I've no doubt that MB will ruin me.
I might run it for a bit to see if it gets any worse (no doubt it will). For the time being its not causing a problem or intrusive, but I can definitely hear it.
If I take the front wheels off and have a look, will CV damage be obvious (I could see earlier that the outer ones certainly aren't split/leaking, but I cant tell if they are knackered internally.
Are there any other common C320 faults that might cause this noise that I should be aware of before I write off next weekend getting oily?
Car is on 60k miles.
