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722.6 electrical connector w208 clk230 1999


Nov 5, 2015
clk 230
Auto box weeping from said connector. Can I just drain box, replace connector and refill to correct level or should I remove sump and replace filter as a matter of course, running risk of snapped bolts and stuff...?
Only done about 75000 miles.
Not sure what to suggest but I recently had my 722.6 serviced which entailed fluid, gaskets and filter. They also spotted a weep at the connector and went ahead and changed it. Just short of £200 if I remember correctly. I know its quite a few quid but preferable to mauling about under the car.
Good luck with your decision.
Not sure what to suggest but I recently had my 722.6 serviced which entailed fluid, gaskets and filter. They also spotted a weep at the connector and went ahead and changed it. Just short of £200 if I remember correctly. I know its quite a few quid but preferable to mauling about under the car.
Good luck with your decision.
That was a very good price...Gasket set, Filter and Connector. Do you know if they only drained the sump? or also the TC? For that price, I'd imagine it was only the trans sump was drained. But overall, a good job.
Auto box weeping from said connector. Can I just drain box, replace connector and refill to correct level or should I remove sump and replace filter as a matter of course, running risk of snapped bolts and stuff...?
Only done about 75000 miles.

Do you know if the trans oil has ever been changed before? Check the transmission dipstick tube and see if the cap has a black or red retainer tab in it. Black, is original factory fitted,,,,means that it has never been opened , so a fairly certain that that it's the same original oil inside. Definitely need's changing in that case. If it show's a red insert, means that it has been opened in the past, but in any case, it's nearly due it's next change at 80'000. So better now to kill 2 ( or more ) birds now with the one stone. Go the whole hog while you are at it.....drain the oil ,drop the sump change the filter and gaskets. While the sump is down....change the electrical connector too. Check if your box TC has it's own drain plug, if not its also possible to drain both the TC and Trans radiator via the radiator return pipe to the transmission. If you need more instructions on how to do this, let me know, OK?
Good Luck.
Indies charge about £200 for the job and a good one will drain the lot.
DIY is half that. Easy job, access aside.
Pan bolts rarely shear, IME. I've had one go in five changes.

1999/9 is when the TC drain plug was deleted - see the very good PCS 'how to' guide
It's overdue an atf change, if not been done before; clue is the date stamp on the filter. You'll feel the difference.

Oops, reply crossed in the post...
Thank you all for your replies.
One question. Is it possible to change the electrical connector complete with O-rings without either draining box or losing gallons of fluid over the floor?
Cheapest option for me at the moment...
BTW @Justintyme the dipstick clip is Red.
...Is it possible to change the electrical connector complete with O-rings without either draining box or losing gallons of fluid over the floor?...

Unfortunately not.
The electrical connector can be changed without draining all the oil.
Mine was done just by jacking up the car as high as possible on one side, I lost about a pint or so of fluid.
Do make sure you buy a new connector seal from MB directly, this seal has been improved and modified many times.
Thanks again. I'm gonna get some prices from indies and then probably do the whole lot myself....armed with youtube!

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