Was in the motor factors today, there was a green W124 outside too, so I bought two 1 litre cans of cheap ATF for £4 each.
I'm outside with the bonnet of my W124 up and the other fellow comes up as starts asking "Burning oil?" and then he notices I'm tipping the ATF into the rocker filler.
"Nope" I say, "doing an oil and filter change next week, I always bang a litre of ATF in a week before."
"Why?" he asks.
"ATF is full of detergents, it cleans the inside of the engine, oil galleys, tappets, everything."
"Oh, are you putting both tins in?"
"Nope, the other one is for the fuel tank, it cleans injectors too."
"I've never heard of that before." he says, "how many miles on the engine?"
"180k, and it's an old diesel fitter's trick."
I'll do a video next week for those interested in how sweet and quiet an engine can be.
I'm outside with the bonnet of my W124 up and the other fellow comes up as starts asking "Burning oil?" and then he notices I'm tipping the ATF into the rocker filler.
"Nope" I say, "doing an oil and filter change next week, I always bang a litre of ATF in a week before."
"Why?" he asks.
"ATF is full of detergents, it cleans the inside of the engine, oil galleys, tappets, everything."
"Oh, are you putting both tins in?"
"Nope, the other one is for the fuel tank, it cleans injectors too."
"I've never heard of that before." he says, "how many miles on the engine?"
"180k, and it's an old diesel fitter's trick."
I'll do a video next week for those interested in how sweet and quiet an engine can be.