How do you down load pics to the site I can never manage it

It seems there are a lot of both new and established members that have difficulty adding a photo to their post.
A sticky post at some point might help.
Until then, this should help.
There are two easy ways to add a photo depending on where the photo is stored.
If its on your PC, find the photo and make sure its not a RAW image with a high resolution. Use a resizer to reduce the pixels to something like 1280x720 and save it .
I use Irfanview to resize and find it pretty good and easy to navigate.
IrfanView 64-bit version
When you want to add a photo, click the centre blue box at the foot of your post "Upload a File" and navigate to where you saved your photo.
Click on the file, then Open, and it will upload to the forum as a thumbnail.
Click on the blue box "Full Image" and your post will show your photo.
Just repeat the process to add more photos. To remove the photo, just click the blue box to the right "Delete"
The second way is if you have your photos stored on a photo host such as Imgur, Flickr or Google images. Photobucket used to be the go to host but I lost patience with them a while ago when the started charging to host.
Using Imgur (which I do), locate the photo in a different window on your PC and copy the "Direct Link"code ( Click the blue "Copy" button.)
Go back to your post and look at the top of the page for the 7th box from the right that should read "Image" if you hover the mouse over it.
Click the Image icon and paste the Direct Link code into the box ( Ctrl + V) and your image should appear in full size.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Uploading from Google images means just copying the photo's URL once selected and pasting it into the image icon box as above.
I haven't posted photos directly from my phone, nor have I done it with an Apple computer so you better work that one out yourself Tom.
Hope this helps.