Thanks got the reply.
The cap is black but has a red rectangle button in the middle.
The button seems to move but I can't make it unlock
You will need something like a narrow flat screwdriver, and use it to push the the tab straight down through the black cap. It will fall out the bottom of the cap, and don't worry about it falling into the transmission,,it will fall down the side on to the ground ( or on to the engine shield) but if you place one hand underneath as you are pushing it out, it's possible to catch it, but be careful you don't nip your hand if the screwdriver follow's through. It has already been explained in the above posts what the different colors on the tab's mean, but basically, Black= Original Factory fitted, Red= replacement one's. When getting the dipstick, there are different one's available,,,some longer than others, but the one I got is 1200mm, which hang's way out over the dipstick tube,,,,,this is not a problem, as it's the other end which is where the oil level is measured,,,,,just make sure that the dipstick is long enough!! On the black plastic measuring tip, there is a small "diamond" shape. The reason for this is that it stop's the dipstick from going too far into the sump, and giving incorrect oil level readings .
To correctly check the oil, the temperature must be at 80c. Leave the engine running, put the selector in "P" and insert the dipstick. Remove it and it will show how much fluid is there. And that's it !!!