altho' it may be a journey of a couple of hours for you I can thoroughly recommend Wheels in Motion in Chesham, Bucks - the proprietor is a Mr. Tony Bones. These chaps really understand wheel geometry and are a world away from the Thik-Fit jockeys and various other charlatans offering "wheel alignment" services. Mr. Bones is experienced with Mercedes vehicles as well as having diagnosed fundamental and serious geometry problems (and cures) for Lexus and Mk3 Mazda MX-5's which the importors denied existed despite empirical evidence to the contrary from owners.You'll see a small piece on Mercedes alignment issues on their website.
I now have all my cars set up by Tony at least once a year and at £100 it's money well spent in light of sleeping policemean and potholes that our Scottish government seems determined to inflict on us - presumably with a view to keeping more people off the roads
Contact details are on his website:
Wheel Alignment and Steering Geometry Specialists : Wheels in Motion
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