Autoglym Life shine
If you are applying Autoglym life shine or even Diamondbrite you need to prepare the paint work first. Use AG Super resin or a paint cleaner this gets rid of any muck and wax on the paintwork. I then use a sponge to apply the Life shine. I used only half a bottle on my EClass.
Leave this for as long as possible, a few hours (sit in garden drink beer or watch a film)
Then polish off with microfibre or a soft terry towel.
Leave this for a day or so. Most waxes and paint sealants take about 24 to 48 hours to cure properly.
Then you can apply other product on top if you wish like Meguiars NXT to get a really great finish.
The Life shine also comes with a Scotch Guard type spray, just make sure everything is clean and spray everything. I did not spray my leather however. This means messy kids just vacumn off
The glass guard stuff in the Life Shine kit is easy to apply with a soft polish the glass first with AG glass polish.
You also get some special screen wash which strips the PDI wax off the wind screen.
I had a good chat with Autoglym some months ago about Life shine. Basically as with all these product it does not mean you NEVER have to wax your car again. You still need to maintain the finish. Using Autoglym Super Resin and Extra Gloss protection will do this. I do this about every 6 months or so. In between I use Meguiars NXT Tech wax but Meguiars products dont have the resilience that Autoglym does. I generally use the old beading rule, the car needs re doing when water no longer beads properly and you just get a sheet of water on the paintwork.
Extra Gloss protection is like LifeShine but a different chemisty. When you apply this leave for as long as possible 2 to 6 hours. Use it sparingly as it is a devil

to get off if you use to much. Use a piece of car sponge to apply it, then apply an other coat if you desire a day later. This starts to give a show car look.
As you know may know my E Class won the Summer GTG cleanest car award

. This was achieved using Autoglym as a base and then using Meguiars NXT to top it off a couple of days later.
My car is now looking rather sad in comparison. I treated it with Autoglym super resin and Extra Gloss protection in preparation for the winter a month ago. Remember it is not really worth applying wax etc when the temperature is under 10 Centigrade they just do not cure properly. So thats my excuse for no more polishing until the spring
PS You can get lifeshine on Ebay for about £25 for a full set. This does not include the nice bag and warrenty. You can get the nice bag in Halfords for about £30 if you want one. Warrenty not sure about this.
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