Belt Squeal?
After suffering repeatedly from belt squeal despite retentioning the belt and replacing it, it the squeal kept coming back to haunt me.
After a bit of research, it is common for the belts to go dry (apparently) and Mercedes in their wisdom have a solution to the problem squeeks from rubber belts and similar. Part # 000 989 8451
Unfortunately, this stuff is priced like gold dust @£30/100ml. I tried some the other day and sure enough it has done the trick. Only a tiny amount is required so this pot is likely to last me a lifetime. (mebbe I should put a post in the classified section ...5ml for £5 or something
After suffering repeatedly from belt squeal despite retentioning the belt and replacing it, it the squeal kept coming back to haunt me.
After a bit of research, it is common for the belts to go dry (apparently) and Mercedes in their wisdom have a solution to the problem squeeks from rubber belts and similar. Part # 000 989 8451
Unfortunately, this stuff is priced like gold dust @£30/100ml. I tried some the other day and sure enough it has done the trick. Only a tiny amount is required so this pot is likely to last me a lifetime. (mebbe I should put a post in the classified section ...5ml for £5 or something

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