Morning all-Billy is off for his annual service this morning. I hope being a minor service it will cost me less than last year. Wish my baby luck :bannana:
Morning Pammy-No, the specialist I use is very resonably priced doesn't tend to be extravagent with his prices. Cheers Pammy, and have a great day (while the weather lasts)
Well, I will either be dining in Fortnum's tonight drinking Vintage Dom Perignon or if my wallet is invaded, it's Maccy D's and a Tesco Value cola.....LOL
Well Billy was collected with open arms, and my wallet in tact.
It was only a lube service, although I had the spark plugs changed as well as they weren't done last year, and I have no idea when they were last changed prior to me adopting him. Bless-The doc even oiled his door hinges and check straps. He was given a clean bill of health all round and the doc is looking forward to giving him a check up next year.
Of course he does Pammy, he lives with me-I must be the pinnacle of fitness and Mc. D's, KFC and kebabs...
Cheers for your kind words and have a great weekend....av a piece of fruit-:bannana: