I’m looking on eBay to get one of the in car clip in Bluetooth adaptors for my ML there’s few different model numbers but all look the same. Are they all the same and work in all cars.
As I understand it , the answer is no, they all look alike but are different. The serial number (age) of the adapter denotes how it communicates with the system in your car.
I have one and the echo is terrible no matter what I do or which phone I use, it has been suggested that its the 'wrong' one for my car.
TBH I hardly use it so I have yet to research the problem .
With your VIN to hand, give comand.co.uk a call, they will then know exactly what your car came with from the factory and will give you chapter and verse on what you need to achieve what you want to achieve.
With your VIN to hand, give comand.co.uk a call, they will then know exactly what your car came with from the factory and will give you chapter and verse on what you need to achieve what you want to achieve.