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Bonnet Star nicked


Staff member
May 21, 2003
SL63 AMG & C220 CDi Estate
Got mine nicked last night by some ****-terrorist, anyone have an up to date price for a 202 one?
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Little bas***ds

KillerHERTZ said:
Got mine nicked last night by some ****-terrorist, anyone have an up to date price for a 202 one?

Fortunately not too expensive, @£13+vat if I remember right.

:bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana:

Thats not much at all.

Ive been thinking of wiring the star directly to the battery in future :)
new merc add on tv

Fortunately I've the SL type bonnet badge on my V. Only had one prized off in 6 years.

KillerHERTZ said:
:bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana:
Ive been thinking of wiring the star directly to the battery in future :)

What we need is a 'Special Edition' Star that has its edges ground to a razor edge, that would take the smile off the little bas***ds faces as they sliced their fingers off!

What you need is one similar to sp!kes, cover it with super glue and when scrote grabs said star it retracts into bonnet peeling back the skin off his arm at same time.then when you get back to your car you can drive around with a new hood ornament. :devil:

Just replace the star with a beemer badge - no-one will nick it.

Problem solved.

Dunno what all the fuss is about .... :p

Firm but fair

pluggers said:
What you need is one similar to sp!kes, cover it with super glue and when scrote grabs said star it retracts into bonnet peeling back the skin off his arm at same time.then when you get back to your car you can drive around with a new hood ornament. :devil:

Firm, but fair!

KillerHERTZ said:
Ive been thinking of wiring the star directly to the battery in future :)
Might be better wiring it up to the mains, or the nearest street light. That'll teach 'em.
This looks like bodywork forum material to me! Moving...
kikkthecat said:
Might be better wiring it up to the mains, or the nearest street light. That'll teach 'em.

DC is better . Means they will still be holding onto it when you come back to your car to give them a kicking :)
Seriously, I think I will file down the edges (inside and out) to make it sharp,

I take it the star isnt crome leaf? and this wouldnt make a mess of it?
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KillerHERTZ said:
Seriously, I think I will file down the edges (inside and out) to make it sharp,

I take it the star isnt crome leaf? and this wouldnt make a mess of it?
I think you would make a mess of it . . . or you would need to seriously polish it afterwards. Plus given that the way the law works in this country, if somebody were to injure themselves trying to nick it again, you would probably have the book thrown at you !!

If the thing only costs £11.38 + VAT why don't the little tw### just go and buy one from a dealer.
i've had my cars tanned over five times in the last year and half. To make matters worse i only got peanuts for insurance and lost ££££. Im interested in meeting these people, so i have put a camera which looks onto the drive. If anyone goes near the cars, chances are they will trigger the PIR sensor, which will set an alarm off in the house. I've also got the camera hooked up to my video recorder and record on LP to get 10 hours of footage.

If you go to a knife shop, they should be able to sharpen and hone your badge without making your badge look stupid. For extra effect, ask for a 'professional edge'. This will be guaranteed to do some serious damage, especially if you hit an innocent pedestrian!


Had mine swiped the other day. Bought one off eBay- came through with corrosion and dull chrome. Would have bought new if I'd known how cheap they are- (£13.49inc from my local dealer) the centring mechanism in the socket seems to wear after time, so new is the way to go.

Anyway, I remembered reading on another forum about a guy who'd managed to wire his up to the horn. I reckon that those twin horns right under the star would be enough to scare any toe rags off; that's now my mission.

So I did some major googling and came up with what I was looking for; David R. Heiple's "Star Alarm":
> The only tricky part is the switch - I don't know if radio shack would
> have
> something similiar or it could be fabricated. My switch is out of a old
> mechanical banking machine (my dad's idea of a toy, I took apart a lot of
> things as a kid). I guess I would describe it as a "spring switch". Two
> pieces of metal that are seperated by an insulator at one end (the end I
> mounted to the hood latch brace) and each have contacts at the other end.
> I
> suspect that originally pushing a key on this machine forced the two
> pieces
> together to create the circuit. I am actually pulling the the bottom half
> into the top half to complete the circuit. The metal is springy so when
> the
> hood star is released the switch returns to its "open" position.
I believe it's called a "leaf" switch."

Then, in a later post:

"The trick is make sure you adjust it in such a manner it doesn't stay on. Probably once a month I come out of the grocery store and the star is crooked from an attempted theft. I've always been hoping to catch someone in the act but so far only the occasional car wash worker has set it off in my presence - they really jump!"



It's an older Benzie, but it looks like the spring mechanism works pretty much the same. I reckon the same principle would work on a newer Benz.

I'll post back with photos if I have any joy.

Here's why sharpening your star may not be such a good idea... ;)



P.S. Also found this during my searching and thort it was a pretty funny story...
"This reminds me of a very funny story (at least funny at the end) - it
happened to me six years ago.

I woke up one Saturday morning to find that the hood star had been stolen
from all three of my Mercedes. Boy, was I pissed - this was the 5'th time
that it had happened in the last three years! My youngest Son was walking
behind me and he said "look what I found". He handed me a driver license
that had been dropped in the front yard.

I went inside, looked up the last name in the phone book and called the
number (Mr. X had a very unique last name). The phone was answered by
someone who sounded about my age. I asked for the person on the license and
he said "let me wake him up". The "person" was the son of the gentleman who
answered the phone. I explained to Mr. X who I was, that I lost the star
from three Mercedes and that I found his license in my front yard. He
explained that he lost it sometimes the previous day and that he did not
know what I was talking about. I told him to save his explanations for the
police because I was calling them next.

I called the police, explained what happened, that I had already had a
conversation with Mr. X and that I was very civil to Mr. X. They sent a
squad car over and I filled out some paperwork. I asked the officer if he
was going to Mr. X's house after leaving mine (and he was). He grinned and
stated that they already had one squad car over there. He also said that Mr.
X called the police immediately after I hung up to "explain" why his license
was in my front yard.

About 30 minutes after the officer left my house, I received a phone call
from him. He stated "I'm looking have all three of your stars - they are
spread across Mr. X's dinning room table. Then he said "wait a minute, I'll
call you right back" and he hung up. The officer called back and told me
that someone brought a box full of Mercedes start from Mr. X's bedroom while
he was talking to me, that this case no longer involved just me and that an
investigator would call me on Monday.

I received a call from the investigator who stated that "Mr. X's parents
cried all over his desk for 30 minutes, and that his Son and the neighbor's
son (there were two involved) were just having fun and that they were truly
sorry. As much as I wanted to prosecute, I let the investigator convince me
that there was a compromise (after a heated 30 minute discussion). I don't
know how things went with the other 10 (yes, I said 10!!!!) Mercedes owners.

The compromise was that they would purchase replacement stars from Mercedes
and that Mr. X and his neighbor would personally install them on my cars.
Mr. X, his father and the neighbor were all visibly shaking during the
entire process. Mr. X and his neighbor both apologized repeatedly and
thanked me for not pressing charges (three times, from memory). I can only
guess (or maybe hope) that some of my heated discussion with the
investigator was passed along to Mr. X.

It's been six years now and I've not had a Mercedes star stolen since!

Tom Hargrave"
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marcos said:
If the thing only costs £11.38 + VAT why don't the little tw### just go and buy one from a dealer.

'Cos that way they don't get there mindless moronic kick out of p*ss*ng honest people off.

And £11.38 is probably their crack fix for the morning. :crazy:

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