See post #17 the MB oil temp sensor on the 2.5 16v is located on the oil filter housing.
Yes, I understand this, the oil filter housing on the 16v is forged with a threaded hole for the sensor. You can't just go and drill a hole in the M119 oil filter housing and try to thread aluminum, you will tear it up.
The aftermarket sensors are almost always mounted in the sump and/or in lieu of the drain plug. Mounting a oil temp sensor at the filter housing or near the pump will give you skewed readings, as it really does not give you a reading of the oil that is actually lubricating the engine. The sensor not only picks up readings of the oil in this area but heat from the oil pump and housing.
The more I look at the senosr with the kit, the more I am thinking it was designed to replace the oil drain plug. As already mentioned, I am of the opinion that this is not a good place to install a sensor, too much risk of the sensor getting damaged or leaking because of the constant in/out for oil changes.