Yesterday I had a new vacuum pump fitted along with a pre owned vacuum pump pipe.
Since I’ve had the problem I pump the brakes before I drive off and through the day they get back to normal. Yesterday after the new parts were fitted it felt ok. This morning I didn’t pump the brakes, drove slowly of the drive, touched the brakes, car still moved forward, didn’t stop immediately. Going to leave the car with the garage overnight so they can test it first thing. When it happened I’ll post the results.
Thanks to all who took the time to reply to my predicament.
Since I’ve had the problem I pump the brakes before I drive off and through the day they get back to normal. Yesterday after the new parts were fitted it felt ok. This morning I didn’t pump the brakes, drove slowly of the drive, touched the brakes, car still moved forward, didn’t stop immediately. Going to leave the car with the garage overnight so they can test it first thing. When it happened I’ll post the results.
Thanks to all who took the time to reply to my predicament.