how about the cameras hidden right behind the sign? From 60 to 40, oops, here is a camera. This is nasty.
Also those camera are only there to make money, not preventing anything. Not long ago a council scrap them as the governement wanted them to pay for the full maintenance and give the council only little money back. The council said they are not worth it then and they have never been proven to reduce any accidend. Hummm...
If those camera were effective, why do they keep caughting millions of drivers? The only effective speed limit camera are the average speed camera, not good for a city centre I agree, but when those camera are there, if it says 40, every single car is doing 40.
Back to the council:
The Conservative-run council is considering withdrawing from the Wiltshire and Swindon Safety Camera Partnership after a shake-up of speed camera funding rules which mean the
Treasury now keeps the proceeds of fines
"They are being used as a cash cow. I do take exception to the positioning of some mobile speed cameras. They are designed to raise revenue.
Council move to scrap speed cameras - News - Virgin Media