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C180K M271.946 manual into auto car engine swap


New Member
Jul 19, 2022
Mere, Wiltshire
C180k 2005 200k+
Hello all, My apologies if this is in the wrong spot. I am a new member. I have a 2005 C180k W203 M271.946 auto and I'm wondering if I can swap my engine for a manual one if I swap over the flywheel and clutch etc for my flywheel and torque convertor?

Many thanks - Mick
You mean that you want to swap the gearbox, not the engine?

Anything is possible but the cost compared to the value of the car doesn't stand up.

You would also need some coding changes as well as the one you mechanical changes

Try to find a manual version
Hi DSM10000, thanks for your reply.

I have an auto at the moment and want to separate the engine and gearbox to put in another engine (still M271.946) but from a manual car.

What I'm wondering is wether I can take the flywheel and torque convertor off my current engine and put those on the manual engine instead of it's flywheel and clutch?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Why do you want to swap the engine for an identical one?

Are you wanting a manual transmission instead of your current automation?

Your post as it is doesn't make sense
Apologies, my engine needs new piston rings and has done 220k+...I've got a chance to buy the same engine but from a manual. So want to swap it out, but keep the current auto box. I just don't know if they're interchangeable, but I imagine they are.
Apologies, my engine needs new piston rings and has done 220k+...I've got a chance to buy the same engine but from a manual. So want to swap it out, but keep the current auto box. I just don't know if they're interchangeable, but I imagine they are.
Thanks for that.

As long as the engines are the same (for the gearbox ratios) it should be a fairly straightforward swop but you will need the ECU from the original engine possibly to match the transmission ECU. 👍👍👍

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