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C63 C205 Engine Oil Questions


May 26, 2019
I have a 2019 model C63 coupe. Coming back from Cambridge to London today, I got a message on the dashboard to top up my engine oil by 1L. The car has only done 2,500 miles. Is this normal?

I opened the bonnet to check the dip stick and lo-and behold, when I remove the oil filler cap, there is no dip stick. In puzzlement I consult the owners manual. It tells me that if there is no dipstick then the engine oil level can only be checked using the service menu.

In the manual, it says to swipe up or down on the left hand steering wheel touch control. Nonsense. All this does is activate specific functionality that pertains to whatever mode I have active, such as Navigation or Media.

I do, however, see a Service menu when I press the right touch control panel's home button. So I select this and there are all the options listed in the manual with the exception of "Engine oil level".

So, how the heck do I check my engine oil level if there is no dipstick and no "Engine oil level" option on the service menu? I tried with the engine off and with the engine on, but still no Engine oil level option on the service menu. I'd hate to overfill the engine oil.

So now onto the next question: what engine oil do I use? The manual is less than specific about this and one seems to need a degree in chemical engineering to work it out. I looked up my vehicle using the oil finder option on http://bevo.mercedes-benz.com. It shows that I can use either 229.5 or 229.51 and that it MUST be a 0W-40 or a 5W-40


My local Shell service station does not have any oil that is MB Approved spec 229.51, only 229.5. When I click on the 229.5 option it gives me a list of brands. Filtered for Shell brands, it's the below.

The only one in stock is the one labelled with the green background, Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40, MB-Approved 229.5, photos of the front and back below. So is this the right oil to use? Again, I would not want to put the wrong oil in.



Apologies if I'm being a bit dense about this all, but any help in clarifying these questions would be much appreciated

229.5 5w40 is exactly what your screenshot is calling for, so go with that :thumb:

From memory, to measure the oil level your ignition will need to be on, maybe in position I or II, but the engine must NOT be running.

The engine will need to be switched off for 5 minutes or more to get a reading, as the oil must drain back down to the sump before reading.
That's fine .

229.5 5w40 is exactly what your screenshot is calling for, so go with that :thumb:

Cheers both of you. I'll use this one.

From memory, to measure the oil level your ignition will need to be on, maybe in position I or II, but the engine must NOT be running.

The engine will need to be switched off for 5 minutes or more to get a reading, as the oil must drain back down to the sump before reading.

I have keyless-go. I presume position I is the first press of the button which activates the display and press two which activates all the warning lights is position II. In position I (first press), I can't bring up any menu on the dashboard display as it is not activated fully. Only in position II (two presses of the start button) can I bring up the service menu ... and still no engine oil level option.

Is there someone with a facelift version c63 that can shed some light?
I think your Steering Wheel is Similar to mine, if so:

RH Home, Swipe Left to SERVICE or SERVICING, Swipe Down through Tyre Pressure, Temp, Assistance etc until you See Oil Level, on mine the Engine must be Running and at a Suitable Temperature before the Level is Displayed!

If this is ALL Wrong for the Very Nice C63 (I was never HERE):rolleyes::D
Buy a SLK 55 , it comes with a dipstick :rolleyes:
rs67, if it makes you feel better my V8 AMG is 13 years older than yours and it too does not have a dipstick, it appears some versions of the V8 engines do..some don't. I think its b0ll0cks myself , but not quite as bad as having no dipstick AND no oil pressure warning device fitted.....which is the case with my engine... and many others. :dk:
After still having no luck finding how to check the engine oil after a few days, I drove down to my local dealer. They were puzzled. Told me that the engine oil option should be on the service menu, but it's clearly not.

They also could not bring up the workshop menu. They said to book the car in as it looks like the firmware is behaving oddly and they'll flash it to the most recent version to see if this fixes it.
OP you are right to be concerned about the fact that you're getting an oil level warning at 2.5k miles. I personally thought getting a coolant level warning at roughly 6k on a 2018 c63 was bad enough. The dealership should definitely take the car in and investigate. It shouldn't be an issue for you to resolve
I assume 5w-40 is still the recommended oil for 4L M177 engine, C63s?
Did the dealer not measure the oil for you with their measuing stick and top off for you.
Correct 229.5 fully synthetic spec.
Just had my 2018 C63 W205 serviced by main dealer.They used 5W - 40. Previously they used 0W-40, 5W- 40 and 2 years ago 0W0.
they said they always use MB recommended grade. I don’t believe them. OK the spec was 229.5 but they couldn’t explain properly the use of different SAE grades.Anyone had same issue at MB dealers.
0W 40 or 5 W 40 is recommended on service sheet for AMG.
Most, if not all, MB-supplied 229.5 oil is 5w40. 5w40 is recommended on the service sheet, they've used 5w40 229.5, what have I missed?

There are approved 229.5 oils in 0w30, 0w40, 5w30 and 5w40.
My question relates to the 0W30 and 5W30.For AMG my manual and online MB service sheet states “only use 0W40 or 5W40”. It’s close but I want it to be spot on.Maybe MB have changed the SAE over time or for Western Europe or whatever.
^ If you have an AMG, use this.

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