I have a 2019 model C63 coupe. Coming back from Cambridge to London today, I got a message on the dashboard to top up my engine oil by 1L. The car has only done 2,500 miles. Is this normal?
I opened the bonnet to check the dip stick and lo-and behold, when I remove the oil filler cap, there is no dip stick. In puzzlement I consult the owners manual. It tells me that if there is no dipstick then the engine oil level can only be checked using the service menu.
In the manual, it says to swipe up or down on the left hand steering wheel touch control. Nonsense. All this does is activate specific functionality that pertains to whatever mode I have active, such as Navigation or Media.
I do, however, see a Service menu when I press the right touch control panel's home button. So I select this and there are all the options listed in the manual with the exception of "Engine oil level".
So, how the heck do I check my engine oil level if there is no dipstick and no "Engine oil level" option on the service menu? I tried with the engine off and with the engine on, but still no Engine oil level option on the service menu. I'd hate to overfill the engine oil.
So now onto the next question: what engine oil do I use? The manual is less than specific about this and one seems to need a degree in chemical engineering to work it out. I looked up my vehicle using the oil finder option on http://bevo.mercedes-benz.com. It shows that I can use either 229.5 or 229.51 and that it MUST be a 0W-40 or a 5W-40

My local Shell service station does not have any oil that is MB Approved spec 229.51, only 229.5. When I click on the 229.5 option it gives me a list of brands. Filtered for Shell brands, it's the below.

The only one in stock is the one labelled with the green background, Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40, MB-Approved 229.5, photos of the front and back below. So is this the right oil to use? Again, I would not want to put the wrong oil in.

Apologies if I'm being a bit dense about this all, but any help in clarifying these questions would be much appreciated
I opened the bonnet to check the dip stick and lo-and behold, when I remove the oil filler cap, there is no dip stick. In puzzlement I consult the owners manual. It tells me that if there is no dipstick then the engine oil level can only be checked using the service menu.
In the manual, it says to swipe up or down on the left hand steering wheel touch control. Nonsense. All this does is activate specific functionality that pertains to whatever mode I have active, such as Navigation or Media.
I do, however, see a Service menu when I press the right touch control panel's home button. So I select this and there are all the options listed in the manual with the exception of "Engine oil level".
So, how the heck do I check my engine oil level if there is no dipstick and no "Engine oil level" option on the service menu? I tried with the engine off and with the engine on, but still no Engine oil level option on the service menu. I'd hate to overfill the engine oil.
So now onto the next question: what engine oil do I use? The manual is less than specific about this and one seems to need a degree in chemical engineering to work it out. I looked up my vehicle using the oil finder option on http://bevo.mercedes-benz.com. It shows that I can use either 229.5 or 229.51 and that it MUST be a 0W-40 or a 5W-40

My local Shell service station does not have any oil that is MB Approved spec 229.51, only 229.5. When I click on the 229.5 option it gives me a list of brands. Filtered for Shell brands, it's the below.

The only one in stock is the one labelled with the green background, Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40, MB-Approved 229.5, photos of the front and back below. So is this the right oil to use? Again, I would not want to put the wrong oil in.

Apologies if I'm being a bit dense about this all, but any help in clarifying these questions would be much appreciated