Remember that schoolboy joke - my dad's got a Rolls Canardly; Rolls down the hill can hardly get up the other.
Well I recently purchased a W124 Estate 280 4sp auto 155k.
Drove it 300m home without a hitch in one go.
have driven 15m to work and back for two weeks.
Filled up when tank was just below a quarter
Last night I was leaving a friends house and at the end of their road there is a junction on a hill. On take off the car started to struggle and we spluttered to a halt round the corner.
She would intermittently start then stall. The petrol guage was above the last marker before the Bold white line meaning empty. The warning light had not come on. My initial feelings were either no fuel or Gearbox problem - I could get it going occassionally and she would tick over fine. Then I would engage into gear and then it would cut out. I managed to get going eventually (I thought maybe the was an overheating issue) and proceeded about 200 yds and met another hill - managed to get to the top after much spluttering - really felt the engine was gasping for fuel
The petrol station was a matter of 50 yards away, but unbeliviably it had been sold 2 days earlier to make way for a supermarket.
The next nearest petrol station was miles away so I called the RAC.
The Patrol man came and of course the engine started and ran all the way on the towbar to the service station 15m in the opposite direction to where I was going. Filled the car up and he followed for 5 miles (down hill) and there were no problems.
Further on there was a long (not particularly steep) hill (dual carriageway) and near the top the engine started to 'gasp' again.
Pulled over called the RAC. - on turn over it just was not firing.Then afer 10 mins manged to get it going, made up the hill and got home (another 15mi)
Drove to work ok this morning.
Any theories?
Mine (amateur) is that there is rubbish in the fuel tank - when it is nearly empty it clogs the fuel supply.
Well I recently purchased a W124 Estate 280 4sp auto 155k.
Drove it 300m home without a hitch in one go.
have driven 15m to work and back for two weeks.
Filled up when tank was just below a quarter
Last night I was leaving a friends house and at the end of their road there is a junction on a hill. On take off the car started to struggle and we spluttered to a halt round the corner.
She would intermittently start then stall. The petrol guage was above the last marker before the Bold white line meaning empty. The warning light had not come on. My initial feelings were either no fuel or Gearbox problem - I could get it going occassionally and she would tick over fine. Then I would engage into gear and then it would cut out. I managed to get going eventually (I thought maybe the was an overheating issue) and proceeded about 200 yds and met another hill - managed to get to the top after much spluttering - really felt the engine was gasping for fuel
The petrol station was a matter of 50 yards away, but unbeliviably it had been sold 2 days earlier to make way for a supermarket.
The next nearest petrol station was miles away so I called the RAC.
The Patrol man came and of course the engine started and ran all the way on the towbar to the service station 15m in the opposite direction to where I was going. Filled the car up and he followed for 5 miles (down hill) and there were no problems.
Further on there was a long (not particularly steep) hill (dual carriageway) and near the top the engine started to 'gasp' again.
Pulled over called the RAC. - on turn over it just was not firing.Then afer 10 mins manged to get it going, made up the hill and got home (another 15mi)
Drove to work ok this morning.
Any theories?
Mine (amateur) is that there is rubbish in the fuel tank - when it is nearly empty it clogs the fuel supply.