Ahh right, sorry. Thought you were just asking/commenting. I was given mine by the company so didn’t get any choice. Not complaining, alright for nowt.
Yes we can see your alternative, thanks, it looks OK for thirty quid. Mind you, all three mentioned look OK to me for their given application and the price.
1) Only thing with the battery ones is they run out of juice quite quick, and you can guarantee when you want it it won’t have been on charge!
1500maH battery, 12v, 120w, so about ten amps, probs less than 15 mins on full rate? (Have I worked that out right?) You’ll have to let us know how it holds up when you’ve had chance to have a few goes.
2) Can it be used with the charging lead from the ciggy lighter then? You know, if the batteries died or needs higher demand? I can’t see if it says on the link you posted. They seem to make out it’ll run forever without a cable on a single charge. Bit misleading

I do see what you mean with the pics though on the Ring Amazon ad, no cable on show in the pics of it in use, I’m sure if challenged they would say they are merely ‘checking the tyre pressure, as this is
3)another useful feature not requiring any cable connection’. I’m sure it won’t be the first time an advertisement has made out a product is better than it actually is, and it certainly won’t be the last

As an (less than) average (mentality) consumer, I think it seems fairly obvious from the pictures and reading the description on the Amazon link Abs posted it’s a 12v item with a 2.9m cable and a 48cm hose, ‘Powered through in-car 12V/cigarette lighter’, but hey ho.
4) Seems decent for just over a tenner for something you can just buy (get one for the wife’s and kids cars too while your at it!) and leave in the boot for emergencies. Good find Abs