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CL63 - Complementary or compensatory


Active Member
Aug 16, 2007
17 E350d in Senorite Grey
Picture the scene, I arrive at a set of red traffic lights in the left of two lanes after just gently overtaking one of those mini-roadsweepers. I am behind 2 stationary cars in a queue, there is a Golf in the right hand lane waiting too. Looking in the mirror I see a CL63 haring up the outside and then comes to a stop alongside me. Beyond the traffic lights the road quickly reduces to one lane, arrows on the road indicating that people in the right lane should pull into the left lane to continue.

Traffic lights turn green and we all set off, CL63 decides to drive at me on the assumption that I'll move out of the way, I decide that no I am not going to move given his rather agressive driving. He then accelerates hard and bullies the person in front out of the way instead.

The road then expands to 2 lanes at a roundabout and we are stopped alongside each other again, me left CL63 right. I happen to glance right(mainly to look at the car) and there is a man who appears to be in his late 50's furiously hand waving at me and mouthing words I have never heard of before. He seems to be trying to tell me that I have done something wrong and suggesting what I may do of an evening.

I laugh at him and blow him a kiss, I then from a clenched fist wiggle my little finger to imply that maybe his car is perhaps compensating for a shortfall elsewhere in his life.

One day someone is not going to take quite so kindly to his actions or his attitude, and despite the size of his car he is still a rather short, middle-aged man who looks like food & drink have been a major part of his life. Me, I just hope I am there when it happens :) .
Picture the scene, I arrive at a set of red traffic lights in the left of two lanes after just gently overtaking one of those mini-roadsweepers. I am behind 2 stationary cars in a queue, there is a Golf in the right hand lane waiting too. Looking in the mirror I see a CL63 haring up the outside and then comes to a stop alongside me. Beyond the traffic lights the road quickly reduces to one lane, arrows on the road indicating that people in the right lane should pull into the left lane to continue.

Traffic lights turn green and we all set off, CL63 decides to drive at me on the assumption that I'll move out of the way, I decide that no I am not going to move given his rather agressive driving. He then accelerates hard and bullies the person in front out of the way instead.

The road then expands to 2 lanes at a roundabout and we are stopped alongside each other again, me left CL63 right. I happen to glance right(mainly to look at the car) and there is a man who appears to be in his late 50's furiously hand waving at me and mouthing words I have never heard of before. He seems to be trying to tell me that I have done something wrong and suggesting what I may do of an evening.

I laugh at him and blow him a kiss, I then from a clenched fist wiggle my little finger to imply that maybe his car is perhaps compensating for a shortfall elsewhere in his life.

One day someone is not going to take quite so kindly to his actions or his attitude, and despite the size of his car he is still a rather short, middle-aged man who looks like food & drink have been a major part of his life. Me, I just hope I am there when it happens :) .

I blow kisses to aggressive male motorists too!! :D Given that I am on the large side and bald it infuriates them no end :devil:
It is certainly childish driving but look at your post.

He flies off in his CL63 which will probably be looking at 8 - 10mpg in those circumstances and at the next set of lights.... there you are alongside him with your oil burner!:devil: :) :)

We read post after post from some of our petrol heads that prattle on about how quickly the accelerate away from 'lesser' cars but ho hum, finger up the 'sun' :D :D

Just be careful who you give the finger to! Life is toooo short and the bottom line is that you had the last laugh.

It is certainly childish driving but look at your post.

He flies off in his CL63 which will probably be looking at 8 - 10mpg in those circumstances and at the next set of lights.... there you are alongside him with your oil burner!:devil: :) :)

We read post after post from some of our petrol heads that prattle on about how quickly the accelerate away from 'lesser' cars but ho hum, finger up the 'sun' :D :D

Just be careful who you give the finger to! Life is toooo short and the bottom line is that you had the last laugh.


Oh I know I wasn't exactly a paragon of maturity but if you'd have seen his reaction you'd have struggled not to laugh.
so two wrongs do make a right? Only joking..
Best to do nothing these days as above,

He maybe short and middle aged etc.. but you just don't know.

For the sake of him gaining a cars length its just not worth what 'could' happen.

He will need to fill up sooner :) :) pass him then
Oh I know I wasn't exactly a paragon of maturity but if you'd have seen his reaction you'd have struggled not to laugh.
Hi ratz,
I wasn't having a dig at you at all.... at all! My remarks were aimed at the gallah in the 63.

If I had a car like that i would smile to myself whenever I pulled up at a set of lights and had some wannabee alongside me wanting to add a notch to their right foot.

You win.... I loose, well done has always been my philosophy. There was no need for that person to prove how fast that car is. It's blooming fast :devil: :devil:

Like everyone else has suggested, just be careful regarding that funny gesture. It might bite.

Well done
Hi ratz,
I wasn't having a dig at you at all.... at all! My remarks were aimed at the gallah in the 63.

If I had a car like that i would smile to myself whenever I pulled up at a set of lights and had some wannabee alongside me wanting to add a notch to their right foot.

You win.... I loose, well done has always been my philosophy. There was no need for that person to prove how fast that car is. It's blooming fast :devil: :devil:

Like everyone else has suggested, just be careful regarding that funny gesture. It might bite.

Well done

Don't worry John, wasn't taking it to heart.

Fair comments from all about hand signals, I don't normally react , but the :devil: in me won this time...
If i read your post correctly then if people had been able to merge in turn (like a zip) then he would come up infront of you? If the golf went first then he would be 3rd into the single lane. If the car at the front of your lane went first he would be 4th into the single lane. Either way ahead of you?

He may have just been expecting you to allow him his turn rather then driving at you. I know I would have.
Dodn't tell me the C*cks have sniffed out MB. BMW and Audi do a range of cars for them relating to a) the size of their ego and b) what they can afford.
one of those situations that ive thought about personally.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Things just don't go fast enough if you have all that power at your feet. Prob just become an even more impatient man than he was before he got the car.
If i read your post correctly then if people had been able to merge in turn (like a zip) then he would come up infront of you? If the golf went first then he would be 3rd into the single lane. If the car at the front of your lane went first he would be 4th into the single lane. Either way ahead of you?

He may have just been expecting you to allow him his turn rather then driving at you. I know I would have.

Surely it depends on peoples acceleration, say the two in front of him may have set off well, and the golf perhaps more sedately? Who knows, it doesn't always work perfectly one and one, some people pull over earlier, some at the end so you can't say this driver should have definitely been in front either way.

There is no need for bullying or agro driving, I smile to myself or them and let them get on with them selves, they obviously have issues!
Dodn't tell me the C*cks have sniffed out MB. BMW and Audi do a range of cars for them relating to a) the size of their ego and b) what they can afford.

See what happens when you remove the Star from the bonnet..
I fear that I came in from another angle on this. Trying to get onto the M60 last week, close to rush hour and it was queing. There was a nice orderly system of each car letting one car in. Till it was my turn when a very nast urchent in a Primera decided to close the gap on my bonet. Not ammused. I did end up in the gap, and very politely waved thankyou.

Why do people have to be so rude!

I tend to work on the principle that if I am in the lane that is merging into another then I hold back and wait to be invited if no gap already exists. If CLman had shown some sign of patience, indication etc then the situation would have unfolded quite differently. As far as I am concerned if I go in a lane I know is going to disappear to avoid the traffic, then that is a risk I take in the hope that someone else's generosity will get me ahead of where I would have been. I do not *expect* to be let in.
See what happens when you remove the Star from the bonnet..

You should still have an MB. CLS, CL W204 sports all have no star on the bonnet but are MB's. It should be driven as befitting a Mercedes.

If the c*cks sniff out MB we have no hope :devil:
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