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Cleaning chrome exhausts


Active Member
Nov 19, 2010
SO i have used fine wire wool and managed to get 80% of the tips clean. There is still stubborn black soot that I cannot shift for love nor money.

Any ideas?


And after:thumb:

Elbow grease and something to mop the brow helps :o
Do them every two weeks and they ate easy to keep shinny.
But once the crud sticks it's a right pain to remove :wallbash:
It's on a list of things to do when I clean my dirty mercy :rolleyes:

I have found that Autosol works wonders. It comes in a small black and gold tube and is available in halfords. It is 75ml and is £5.99 :)

Let me know how you get on!
0000 grade wire wool and WD40 works wounders.
Still takes elbow grease as well though Pal
Another vote for Autosol - great stuff and if combine with a light wire wool - miraculous!
+1 on autosol and wirewool, I have also used the meguirs stuff as well with equally good results.

I have however also on a car just waved the white flag and sprayed them Matt black. The jury is out for me if I liked the look but my back and shoulders sure did!
Wore wool is the key with really mucky tailpipes.

Autosol or similar to go with it and as said it'll work very well. I've used Autogly metal polish too which works as well.
Barkeepers friend shifted it all on my clk
Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner or BBQ Cleaner will help with the stubborn soot.

I scrapped off the tar with an old loyalty card then sprayed with WD40 and rubbed it of to clean off the residue, then cleaned with T-Cut metal polish

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Detailed weekly with Autoglym Super Resin keeps them clean as a whistle and no stubborn marks collect.


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Detailed weekly with Autoglym Super Resin keeps them clean as a whistle and no stubborn marks collect.

.....Good advice here. Once you get them clean? Keep them clean . Otherwise the aggressive removal(s) will soon damage the finish.
Diesel exhausts are best painted black in my experience, especially on non DPF cars.
It is possible to take them off the car to polish them ?
I have an E350 CDI Coupe 2012

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