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clk firing on three cylinders only


New Member
Mar 27, 2012
Alicante Spain
clk 200 mercedes
After only ten minutes of use my clk 200 starts firing on three cylinders only. I noticed someone had this problem before (simon22) and wondered if it was resolved ?.
Could be many things but if it were mine and I was trying to avoid a garage bill I would start by replacing the Spark plugs, then the leads including the plug caps under the coil packs, then if the fault was still there I would try swapping around the coil packs to try to eliminate the misfire.
But its a lot less hassle to get the codes read on STAR, and be told what the fault is and possibly cheaper too as you would only have to buy the part that is required.
I had this happen to me on my CLK 230K when I had it, stopped and removed and put the HT leads back on and all was fine, could well be something just as simple for you too.
if you stuck and you close just PM me, I have sds
I am in Spain and it is rather difficult trying to solve problems here . I have had the star diags done by three different garages including Mercedes and no one has a clue. Thank you guys
Still have not resolved this problem, however, I discovered that it only happens when I stop at lights etc. So I now switch off the engine when I stop and the problem does not arise. Even drove to Madrid, beautiful ride and it did not give me any trouble.Any ideas ?..
Sounds as if a plug may be fouling up while the car is idling. This could be due a lack of HT voltage on said plug. Possibly due to a faulty coil extension lead OR or coil extender under coil OR faulty plug--- what plugs are you running? exact age of car and engine no would help also ?
Hi Graeme , Thanks for the reply. its a 2004 clk 200 kompressor. I tried unpluging a lead which seemed to control 2 cylinders when it was in a bad idle state and the engine almost died. the next day i tried the same lead and it made no difference. so I unplugged the lead controling the other two cylinders and then the engine almost died . Proving..... I dont know what !.Any ideas ?
There are issues with plugs on these engines with the multi-electrode type being replaced by platinum/Iridium fine tip plugs which require far less HT voltage to fire. There was a thread on here about this a while back from a guy in Bulgaria= worth a read. http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/engi...k-rough-idle-detonations-exhaust-headers.html

Diagnosis on HT circuits is difficult because the ECU cannot monitor what's going on directly ---only through "inference" from the low tension side whose voltages it can monitor and flag. If the star diagnosis is not picking up anything then your problem is likely in the HT side. Of course its pointless monitoring any electrical system while its running correctly --it's only when the fault is "present" that you can observe and record it. In this case an old fashioned oscilloscope engine analyser that can show you the HT firing lines on every cylinder should tell you where the fault is occurring. Perhaps a good auto electrician centre [ Bosch centre] could help?

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