Designation MODEL 219.3
Bolt retainina bracket to front end Nm 50
Bait, front axle carrier to longitudinal member Nm 100
Number Designation MODEL 219.3
BA33.20-P-1001-01K Bolt for clamp nut to adjust front axle wheel Nm 11
bearing play
BA33.20-P-1002-01K Self-locking nut of upper wishbone on front end Nm 50
BA33.20-P-1003-01K Self-locking nut, track control arm to stub axle Stage 1 Nm 50
Stage 2 ° 60
BA33.20-P-1004-01K Self-locking nut, strut rod to steering knuckle Stage 1 Nm 50
Stage 2 ° 60
BA33.20-P-1005-01K Self-locking nut, spring control arm to front axle Stage 1 Nm 80
Stage 2 ° 120
BA33.20-P-1006-01K Self-locking nut, torque strut to front axle carrier Stage 1 Nm 80
Stage 2 ° 120
BA33.20-P-1007-01K Self-locking nut, supporting joint to steering Stage 1 Nm 50
Stage 2 ° 60
BA33.20-P-1008-01K Self-locking nut, upper ball joint out of upper Stage 1 Nm 20
transverse control arm to steering knuckle
Stage 2 ° 90
BA33.20-P-1009-01K Nut, follower joint to upper transverse control Stage 1 Nm 20
Stage 2 ° 45