Active Member
Hello. My new to me CLS55 has a quirk I noticed (confirmed by the manual so it's not a fault). In my previous CLK500 when I was accelerating and lets say the car was up to 3rd gear I could nudge the lever left twice and '3' would appear on the dash to indicate the range was limited to 3 so it would stay in 3 (unless in kickdown etc). And if I was accelerating down a slip road but didn't want the car to change up when I eased off I'd nudge left twice till it said '3'. Then hold a nudge to the right to go back to the full range in D when required. However, in the CLS55 this is different. I was accelerating moderately and nudged the lever left twice to limit the range to 3 so it wouldn't change up when I eased off as I usually did in the CLK, but instead it went into 1st and 6000 rpm. Oops! I quickly changed up again. The thing is this way of controlling the gear range seems illogical because I now cannot limit the range without first changing down a gear - but what if I am happy with the gear I'm in and want it to stay in that gear, is that possible to achieve? E.g. I am accelerating and the car is in 3rd and I want it to not change up, what do I do? Nudging left to go into 2nd then right to go into 3rd would do it I suppose, but that seems mad. I must have this wrong, do I? Cheers.