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Code Readers - Any success?


Jun 29, 2006
mercedes e200k
Been a while since I first enquired on here about these cheap little gadgets. Bought one on ebay from the states but sent it back as it kept giving the error message.
Anyone had any sort of success with those found on fleabay?????
Yes, I found one that I am more than happy with, it reads the codes and resets the engine warning light with no problems at all.

Think its called a geniscan this is the spec


Works with all 1996 and newer cars & trucks that are OBD II compliant(including CAN protocol)

Reads and clears generic and manufacturer specific Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and turns off check engine light.

Supports multiple trouble code requests: generic codes, pending codes and manufacturer’s specific codes.

Retrieves VIN (Vehicle Identification No.) on 2002 and newer vehicles that support Mode 9

Highly reliable and accurate

Easy-to-read crystal-clear backlit 2-line LCD display

Easy to use with one plug-in

Stand-alone unit with no need for an additional laptop computer to operate

Small in size and conveniently fits in your palm

Performs continuous DTC scan

Safely communicates with the on-board computer

No batteries needed-powered via detachable OBD II cable


GM '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
Ford '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
Chrysler '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
Toyota '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
Honda '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
NISSAN '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
All other Asian and European '96 - Current Year (OBD-II)
All new CAN protocol cars.


10cm×5cm×3cm. Extension Cable length = 80 cm

Specification: 16-pin OBDII Standard Socket

Voltage: DC 10V~12V

Temperature: -10 ~ 40 °C

Display: 2line LCD

All OBD-II Protocol (including CAN) Fault Code Reader
All in One OBD-II Protocol (including CAN)

Fault Code Reader

Product Description:

U480 is a kind of auto device for reading and erasing trouble code in vehicles, sometimes called car reader. Though so small, light and handy, which is dynamic and fashionable in design, competitive in price and easy to use.

U480 is specially designed for car owners or DIY. With a U480, you may quickly find out trouble causes (troubleshooter) of electronically controlled systems on your car, by simply connecting U480 with the diagnostic socket, via reading the trouble code (DTC) shown on U480, identifying, locating and checking out trouble causes with attached user's manual.

Ian at 124works has seen it in action (when we reset the engine management light on my car last week) and can verify it works.
Sounds good. Can you let me know where to get hold of one please?
many thanks
TBH I don't know if we are allowed to mention retailers on this forum and I'd hate to break forum rules, if a mod can advise?

ps I bought it of the internet from a proper VAT registered company in the UK
does anyone know how to reset the "brake wear visit workshop" light?


Works with all 1996 and newer cars & trucks that are OBD II compliant(including CAN protocol)

I take it it needs the OBDII connector as opposed to an adapter for the MB 38 pin one.
so the sensor has to be replaced also?

surely it should work if connected to new pads?
so the sensor has to be replaced also?

surely it should work if connected to new pads?

Depends if the sensor has been damaged and is completing the circuit that brings on the warning light when pads are worn out.
TBH I don't know if we are allowed to mention retailers on this forum and I'd hate to break forum rules, if a mod can advise?

ps I bought it of the internet from a proper VAT registered company in the UK
Well plenty of people mention retailers almost every day. See the thread on oils and where to buy them etc. Halfords. Costco. I'll even say Tesco to make you feel safe to tell us where to get it and what it costs.
draper make a 38 pin service reset tool...

gendan (UK) make a plug-in pc scan tool - i have had limited success with a 1996 S class - i can read things, but only major faults (eg unplugging air mass mater gives fault, but slight missfire didnt)

since sold car - now cant help....
What vehicle did you use the geniscan on????
I need one for a late w210
As hawk20 seems to think it is okay to mention the company I bought mine from, I will take a chance and hope I'm not breaking any forum rules.

The company I dealt with was http://www.talktomycar.co.uk I bought the U480 although there are some more comprehensive ones available from his site.

The guys name is Mike, and he does post a mobile phone number on his site for people to talk to him (I did and found him very helpful) he also supplies the adapters so you can use the 38 pin connector under the bonnet.

I just looked on his site, and it seems he is away on holiday until the 20th August, whilst I would wait for him, simply because I could ask questions and make certain I get the best one for my needs, I am sure there are other people selling the same code readers.

I used my reader on a W208, but he assured me the reader would work on later MB cars as well, and because I had bought a code reader elsewhere that didn't work on my car, he offered me a money back guarantee so if I had any problems all it would cost me was the postage, I thought that was a pretty good offer (and because he was based in the UK it felt a bit safer!)

Remember though, all the prices on his site are PLUS VAT, I didn't pick up on that when I first looked there.

Hope this helps

PS I have tested my code reader on a Rover 75 a BMW 3 series a Ford focus and a Fiat Brava as well, so far it works with them all, though I did have a little messing around with the wifes 1999 focus to make it work.

Just bought one off him....he recommended the U380.
Will let you know how I get on
what year w208 was that Rebel??? and I wonder why he recommended a U380 for my 2002 w210??
Probably because it can talk sucessfully with OBDII of which all MB since 1996 are.
The only caveat being that the diesels still didn't have an OBDII socket until after YR 2000 in the UK but did in the US.
Also he may have suggested the 380 to you as it was slightly less expensive and does all you wanted it to, I specifically wanted a code reader that would work on my wife's focus and my two sons cars as well.
Hi there i got the geni scan gs400 off ebay for £60 it works on all my cars and even scanned the 2007 w203 which i had as a replacement while mine was being repaired. it does not mention a lexus but works noethe less and has diagnosed all my cars without an issue, the only cars it wont scan is the VAG group cars (VW,Audi,Skoda,SEAT) apart from that it does everything it says.
The £25 code reader I got from rebels man works well.....even reset my eng man light.
best £25 I have spent in a long time.
Thanks Rebel I owe you a beer

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