My understanding is that both firmware and software had to be up to date to permit loading of the last (2019) map update, and it was only that map update which gave you the 'economical' routing Nav option, which I have,
and the (audio) 'fade' option, which I also have. It looks as though we both believe that that is correct; anybody think otherwise?
Firstly, the firmware update includes the navigation software updates. The eco route and radio fade features were added when the 09.29 firmware update was carried out (and regardless of the maps data update).
Yes, you needed to have firmware 09.29 in order to install new maps data from a certain version of the maps onwards - but not the other way around.
I.e., having the latest maps data installed is proof that the firmware update has already been done, but having the latest firmware (with the eco route and radio fade features) is not in itself proof that you have the latest maps data. The firmware update could in principle have been done while retaining the previous (old) version of the maps data - in which case you would have the eco route and radio fade features added, but still have the old maps.
At the time when I sold the car, the latest maps data was 2016-2017. I believe it later went up to 2019-2020 v16.0. However, the 09.29 firmware prerequisite already existed when I had the car, so it's not a recent thing.
And so, even assuming that the 09.29 firmware update was indeed done in order to support the installation of a newer maps data version (which makes sense, because otherwise why would the owner bother upgrading the firmware for no reason), this may have happened in (say) 2016 etc, while newer maps data were later released.
In short, having the eco route and radio fade features means that you have the latest firmware (which also includes the navigation software), but it does not mean that you also have the latest maps data.