hey Dash, that's really great and thanks for the time in explaining it all. But i'm baffled by a couple of things.
1. What the dickens is terminal 15 when refering to the coil's primary connectors? Are you locating that particular terminal inside the ignition module (one of the piins)?
2. Looking at my spark plug caps (at the spark plug end), it's difficult to tell which type i have as they are made of what looks like a hard, whiite asbestos type material, rather than silicon.
3. Where EXACTLY is the CPS as i have looked for it closely but can't find it for the life of me
I did manage to test the secondary coil circuit and got a reading of about 10k ohms
Hi Stringer
When I referred to Pin No’s 15 and 1, these are actually the two connectors on the coil itself, the two upright posts next to the coil tower. If you clean the area around the pins, you will see the numbers actually stamped into the casing at the side of each terminal post.
When I said that your plug leads were constructed of silicone, I meant the actual leads themselves and not the plug caps. The plug caps were generally made of a pressed steel construction as these are subject to excess heat being close to the exhaust manifold.
The crankshaft position sensor is actually located at the rear of the engine on the bellhousing on the right hand side behind the oil filter. Some people actually remove the oil filter to gain access to it much easier, If you shine a torch down the back of the engine, you will see it at the top of the bellhousing on the right hand side. It is actually secured in place with a 5mm allen set screw. You could use an allen key socket and a universal joint on the end of a long extension bar and remove the screw that way. Tighten it back up to 10Nm.
Are you actually saying that the O2 sensor has a wire broken off at the sensor end where it fits into the exhaust, if so, then I’m afraid that cannot be repaired and you would require a new sensor. Come back and tell me exactly what colours the wires are on the sensor. It sounds as though it is actually a HEGO sensor (Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen. Two of those wires (should be white) are for the heating element and have a resistance of approx 2.4 to 2.9 ohms.
As a matter of interest, where did you get this sensor from, and was it the correct one for the same model vehicle. Weld it in place, why? Was it the wrong thread size, 12mm or 18mm. 12 mm are generally Japanese sensors and 18mm are generally European sensors.