Active Member
I have just sent this email to Derwent Leeds customer service:
My wife had BMWs during the 1990s and we had nothing like this poor standard of customer care. Not impressed. Are all Merc dealers this bad?
I booked my car in for attention to two matters, possible blowing of the exhaust and a faulty seatbelt buckle and the experience has not made me feel at all that I am a customer of a prestige car marque.
The car had already been in once, a couple of weeks back and a return visit was arranged for 12th October. The person I saw originally said that you would keep my car overnight so that the exhaust could be tested with the engine cold. As a result, I would require a courtesy car. None of this was a problem at the time. I was told that I would be able to have a C Class and I arranged to check just prior to 12th October to get details of the courtesy car so I could insure it.
On 11th October, I contacted your service department and was given details of the car, a C200 Kompressor Classic YL04 FUW. I arranged with my insurers to cover the car for 12th and 13th October. I list below the problems about which I am very disappointed:
1. When asked to sign the form, after about ten minutes computer inputting, I read it and noticed that I was being given a Smart Car. This is not what was arranged. I wasted time and £5.25 additional charge from my insurers, in arranging insurance cover on a car which I was not to be given.
2. I do not think a Smart Car is appropriate alternative transport for customers who drive Mercedes C, E, S or any other models.
3. I was eventually given an A140. It had not been cleaned since the previous user had it, and the interior contained rubbish from previous use. There was no front panel on the stereo.
4. After setting off in the A140, I noticed the low fuel warning light was lit. Not only was the fuel low, the needle was so far down it was resting on the stop. I was seriously concerned that the car was going to run out of fuel before I could get it to a petrol station.
5. I received a phone call to say that the part, i.e. the seatbelt buckle was not in stock. What was the point of taking my car in if the parts were not available? I should have been told this on 11th October to save wasting time.
6. On that basis, I was asked if it was OK for me to keep the A140 overnight as the part might be available the next day. When I mentioned the exhaust, your employee said that they couldn't find anything wrong with it. They clearly had totally forgotten the arrangement regarding checking the exhaust with engine cold.
I would bet serious money that the part will NOT be available on 13th October and I will have been put an great deal of trouble and inconvenience for nothing. The name Mercedes is meant to be associated with prestige and luxury. Instead it feels more like I have been dealing with a cheap used car lot.
My car is due for it's B service shortly, which I notice costs £403. I can't say that I have any intention spending that much money with a firm whose service seems so chaotic and disorganised. I am inclined to write to Milton Keynes about this but I thought I would see if you had anything to say.
Frank Morrison
02 Mercedes C180 Elegance SE - Reg. No. A* **T.
My wife had BMWs during the 1990s and we had nothing like this poor standard of customer care. Not impressed. Are all Merc dealers this bad?