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Cr@p Service from Mercedes Dealer in Leeds


Active Member
Sep 10, 2003
2005 Jaguar X Type 2.0D SE
I have just sent this email to Derwent Leeds customer service:

I booked my car in for attention to two matters, possible blowing of the exhaust and a faulty seatbelt buckle and the experience has not made me feel at all that I am a customer of a prestige car marque.

The car had already been in once, a couple of weeks back and a return visit was arranged for 12th October. The person I saw originally said that you would keep my car overnight so that the exhaust could be tested with the engine cold. As a result, I would require a courtesy car. None of this was a problem at the time. I was told that I would be able to have a C Class and I arranged to check just prior to 12th October to get details of the courtesy car so I could insure it.

On 11th October, I contacted your service department and was given details of the car, a C200 Kompressor Classic YL04 FUW. I arranged with my insurers to cover the car for 12th and 13th October. I list below the problems about which I am very disappointed:

1. When asked to sign the form, after about ten minutes computer inputting, I read it and noticed that I was being given a Smart Car. This is not what was arranged. I wasted time and £5.25 additional charge from my insurers, in arranging insurance cover on a car which I was not to be given.

2. I do not think a Smart Car is appropriate alternative transport for customers who drive Mercedes C, E, S or any other models.

3. I was eventually given an A140. It had not been cleaned since the previous user had it, and the interior contained rubbish from previous use. There was no front panel on the stereo.

4. After setting off in the A140, I noticed the low fuel warning light was lit. Not only was the fuel low, the needle was so far down it was resting on the stop. I was seriously concerned that the car was going to run out of fuel before I could get it to a petrol station.

5. I received a phone call to say that the part, i.e. the seatbelt buckle was not in stock. What was the point of taking my car in if the parts were not available? I should have been told this on 11th October to save wasting time.

6. On that basis, I was asked if it was OK for me to keep the A140 overnight as the part might be available the next day. When I mentioned the exhaust, your employee said that they couldn't find anything wrong with it. They clearly had totally forgotten the arrangement regarding checking the exhaust with engine cold.

I would bet serious money that the part will NOT be available on 13th October and I will have been put an great deal of trouble and inconvenience for nothing. The name Mercedes is meant to be associated with prestige and luxury. Instead it feels more like I have been dealing with a cheap used car lot.

My car is due for it's B service shortly, which I notice costs £403 :eek: . I can't say that I have any intention spending that much money with a firm whose service seems so chaotic and disorganised. I am inclined to write to Milton Keynes about this but I thought I would see if you had anything to say.


Frank Morrison
02 Mercedes C180 Elegance SE - Reg. No. A* **T.

My wife had BMWs during the 1990s and we had nothing like this poor standard of customer care. Not impressed. Are all Merc dealers this bad?
It is extremely annoying to be treated in the way you have described. I would recommend that you write a 'proper' letter to the Managing Director of the dealership and a copy to Customer Services Mercedes-Benz UK.

I personally believe that e-mails are an excellent means of communication, but sadly if you want action, then a 'paper trail' is always a far better option.

The dealership should not get away with poor service.

dont worry be happy

Most of us have been treated in a similar way,, and I say most not all,, you see Mercedes Benz are worse than crap, dealers are fur coat and no knickers ,,lets face it jumped up salesmen /women who haven't got a clue and penny pinching managers who are hidden behind closed doors ...I had my exhaust changed took one hour 20 min...but two wasted visits because the parts dept could not order the right one on the first visit or any at all on the second visit ....and if anyone comments on the way they get treated better because there family or business buy a lot of cars or vans off them then fail to see how incompetence can discriminate but Mercedes Benz seem to have the monopoly on incompetence regardless of who you are or what you have bought
glojo said:
It is extremely annoying to be treated in the way you have described. I would recommend that you write a 'proper' letter to the Managing Director of the dealership and a copy to Customer Services Mercedes-Benz UK.

I personally believe that e-mails are an excellent means of communication, but sadly if you want action, then a 'paper trail' is always a far better option.

The dealership should not get away with poor service.


I'll see if I get any response to the email. I already have a printout to hand to the service dept. tomorrow.

If I don't hear anything back, I'll write, with a copy to MB in Milton Keynes.
mark.t said:
Most of us have been treated in a similar way,,

Hi Mark,
I understand what you are saying and yes, some dealers leave a lot to be desired. The only way to improve standards I believe is to complain. Not in a rude or aggressive manner but in a polite but firm fashion.

I complain to my dealer AND I also complement them when it is deserved, again in writing. As you have no doubt seen I am at present complaining to Mercedes-Benz. My letters are always acknowledged and I feel that they do there best to resolve the issues I raise. I am not a 'bulk' buyer, nor do I have friends, or relatives at the local dealership.

I usually have a courtesy car delivered and my own vehicle taken away for service. One day the driver left an extremely dirty A-class vehicle. I imeadiately contacted the Service manager and informed him of my dis-satisfaction, a second driver was despatched with a new ML350 and he took away the dirty car. I live in Torquay and the dealership is in Exeter so this was not a five minute journey.

Do not accept second class service, when you have a first class vehicle. Do not accept it. :) :)

I have heard people moan about the Exeter dealership, but when I tell them to put there complaint in writing they just say, "What's the use" and do not bother.

Mercedes Dealer are quick to take your money, and charge you top rate. I demand a top rate service.

Take care,
Bugblatter said:
I'll see if I get any response to the email. I already have a printout to hand to the service dept. tomorrow.

If I don't hear anything back, I'll write, with a copy to MB in Milton Keynes.

Good on yer :) :)

I can understand your fustration, but if I were to complain, I'd keep it more succinct and direct perhaps like this:

My purpose in writing is to highlight severe inadequacies in your service levels which I experienced recently.

I was instructed on the 11th October to arrange insurance for a C200 courtesy car, YL04 FUW. However a Smart Car was provided instead, wasting my time and a £5.25 insurance charge. Additionally I felt a Smart Car is a totally inappropriate replacement for a Mercedes-Benz customer.

Subsequently an unpresentable A140 was supplied, that was uncleaned inside and out. It was missing the stereo front panel, and the low fuel warning light was lit. The needle was so far down it was resting on the stop. I was seriously concerned that the car would not make it to a petrol station.

Your service department then rang to inform me that the part was not in stock, and they would be unable to carry out the repair, despite the fact I had advance booked in my car.

Being put into this unfortunate position, I was asked if I could forfeit the use of my car for a few more days, and grant the service department an extension period, as the part might become available the next day. Fustratingly it also transpired the technicians couldn't find the other fault in the exhaust. They had clearly forgotten the pre-arrangement to diagnose the exhaust with a cold engine.

I am now anxiously awaiting the arrival of the part for the 13th October. I trust you will not disappoint as I have already been greatly inconvenienced by your department.

In summary, your dealership hasn't offered the same high levels of standards as I would expect of other Mercedes-Benz dealers. I hope you can take this opportunity to show me how you can move forwards and convince me that your dealership is worth my future custom.

or something like that, direct without injecting more personal remarks which can cloud the real issues.
...anyway that's how I would have put it, everyone has their own method.

Not all MB dealers are that bad, Tony Purslow in Basingstoke is first class.
They can make mistakes as any busy dealer, but they are extremely apologetic and customer focused in resolving issues, and always friendly.

BMW are OK, rather 'clinical', Audi were just VW in different clothes.
For me anyway, it's 1. MB, 2. BMW, 3. Audi

though VW in High Wycombe is slightly better than Tony Purslow
(both offer red carpet treatment) VW in Basingstoke is OK too.

Anyway, good luck :)
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personally I treat them like this

they are not my friend and I don't do small talk with them I don't get side tracked with meaningless conversations about performance and the new Mercedes model.

they are their to do a job and they don't do it very well at all..what I drive is a car if it requires fixing its just a piece of metal when its repaired its a car again...when it goes to a dealers to be repaired I expect them to do it...with out excuses and with in the window they have given me...

I am not interested in dealer problems I do not wish them to appeal to my human side with soppy excuses ...and small talk.. yes pat them on the head when they do a good job but I find this seldom happens..

as bugblatter said he will not run around in a smart car but demanded better so they gave him a A class did you hear them laughing ...

you see really they are not interested in the cash buyers they only play to the business user who will give them a good turnover on cars and take the car back for service at that dealers because that's where the money is... :D i have done all the written complaining i am going to do

treat them like puppies if they do well pat them on the head if not rub thier noses in it ...somehow puppies learn dealers seam not to but what the hell its fun anyway....
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uumode said:
I can understand your fustration, but if I were to complain, I'd keep it more succinct and direct perhaps like this:
Anyway, good luck :)

Well said,

Treat others how you would like to be treated, and you can never go wrong. (usually)


(edited at 12.23am??? wow!!)

When you have resolved your issues with MB Leeds, would that be Der***t Leeds by any chance?, or cut your losses financially and mentally. Take your buisness a few miles up the road to Harrogate. Nothings to much trouble, prices are reasonable, they always do what they say they will. Theres a few on here who drive past other MB establishments to Harrogate so they must be doing something right.

This is just my pesonal opinion - I would keep ur car well away from this Stealer after making a complaint - a lot happens behind closed doors in the w/shop and someone may take it out on ur car down there... but again they may not but I know that if it was me I would not be happy leaving my car with them again. Try Harrogate as Porty and adam have good service and say that they reocmmneded you and they will perhaps go out of their way to assit you.

Just to let you know - I used to have a C200 Kompressor (brand new on 03 plate...) and it too made what appeared to be a blowing noise from exhaust when cold/warm at times. I initally thought it must be the exhaust but it was not and just a characteristic of the car and cured after time - come and go at times. May even hav ehad somethign to do with the Kompressor. I had coutesousy car C200K and it too had same issue... - Heard one the other day and sounded the same...

Good luck


Ooops, sorry, missed the bit about the exaust.

Bugblatter, its more than likely the EGR system. Mines a C200K, from cold it makes the same noise you are talking about for a minute or so, RPM steadies, noise goes. Its something to do with emmisions at low engine temperatures. It re-circulates some of its exaust gasses into the engine to be re-burned again.

Hope that helps. Portzy.
Bugblatter said:
Are all Merc dealers this bad?

heres a quick story for you....

i purchased an AMG instrument cluster from someone on here.... it worked fine in his car but i needed to get it reconfigured from a E class 5 litre to my CLK 3.2.... plus the size of the fuel tank.... so i took it to Western Mercedes in Edinburgh.

They said they could do it, so i booked it in and let them have the car for the day. I came back to collect it and they told me they couldnt reconfigure the fuel tank settings, although they did the rest OK. Pointless though as the fuel tank reading read ZERO if you had less than £30 in it.

They said either it was an American cluster or it was physically broken, but they couldnt tell.

So.... i sent it to Steve (MBenzNL) in the Netherlands to conifgure it; he did it and it works fine.

So.... Merc dealer couldnt do it and really knew nothing about doing it as far as i can see....

oh, price they charged me to HALF configure the cluster? £170.


Useless muppets. I have considered contacting the dealer and asking for my money back as they obviously could have configured it - but doubt they would (a) believe me or (b) give a toss.
SilverSaloon said:
So.... i sent it to Steve (MBenzNL) in the Netherlands to conifgure it; he did it and it works fine.

It certainly highlights just how clever Steve is compared to Mercedes-Benz technicians worldwide.

I wish I had Linguatronic, but Mercedes-Benz UK state it is not possible to retro-fit, Steve however states it is, and I believe him.

Reading the above post reminds me not to go near the stealerships i put my c220 in to have the srs light reset and it came back out with no speedo took it back and was told the speedo is faulty but we can fix it for £1000 removed the car from the shop quickly and the speedo has worked perfectly ever since (9 months) cheers eds.....
MB Dealer really has no idea...

told them i was going to fit a facelift cluster into my pre-facelift CLK. They said much new wiring is needed and its an impossible task....

the cluster just plugged in! ok, i need to add a FEW wires to the comand and to the new sterring wheel but thats it!

I also booked the CLK in for new gearbox oil - they were sure it was impossible to do until they actually had the car in! Although they claimed the torque converter couldnt be rmeoved to remove the old oil there, but i have heard on here it can.
SilverSaloon said:
MB Dealer really has no idea...

Some dealers are complete idiots;never argue with an idiot,they just drag you down to their level then beat you with experience..
SilverSaloon said:
MB Dealer really has no idea...

told them i was going to fit a facelift cluster into my pre-facelift CLK. They said much new wiring is needed and its an impossible task....

the cluster just plugged in! ok, i need to add a FEW wires to the comand and to the new sterring wheel but thats it!

I also booked the CLK in for new gearbox oil - they were sure it was impossible to do until they actually had the car in! Although they claimed the torque converter couldnt be rmeoved to remove the old oil there, but i have heard on here it can.

If you refre to some of old posts we had our CL (Father's car...) down a Stealer to sort out issue with rear lights flickering and rear sam unti was replaced - they botched up PTS totally in the process and claimed that it went faulty by itself and nothing to do with their work :rolleyes: . They ordered a new PTS module from MK and still no joy. It transpired that they forgot to recativate PTS on the Star Diagnostic computer which wa sless then 5mins jobs and kept car for coiple of days - luckily it was done under warranty otherwise w ewould hav ebeen lokking at a big bill and ripped off for work not required...

Oh on my current W203 I was told by a technciian from another Stealer (who had spent the entire day working on the car...) that the vehciles settings were set to US Spec for some things... makes you wonder what they do during the PDI and qulaity checks at the factory... and w/shop...

Shame MB do not sort out the after sales side of things...

uumode said:
I can understand your fustration, but if I were to complain, I'd keep it more succinct and direct perhaps like this:

or something like that, direct without injecting more personal remarks which can cloud the real issues.
...anyway that's how I would have put it, everyone has their own method.

Not all MB dealers are that bad, Tony Purslow in Basingstoke is first class.
They can make mistakes as any busy dealer, but they are extremely apologetic and customer focused in resolving issues, and always friendly.

BMW are OK, rather 'clinical', Audi were just VW in different clothes.
For me anyway, it's 1. MB, 2. BMW, 3. Audi

though VW in High Wycombe is slightly better than Tony Purslow
(both offer red carpet treatment) VW in Basingstoke is OK too.

Anyway, good luck :)

That's impressive! Thanks for putting all that effort in. ;)
glojo said:
Hi Mark,
I understand what you are saying and yes, some dealers leave a lot to be desired. The only way to improve standards I believe is to complain. Not in a rude or aggressive manner but in a polite but firm fashion.

I complain to my dealer AND I also complement them when it is deserved, again in writing. As you have no doubt seen I am at present complaining to Mercedes-Benz. My letters are always acknowledged and I feel that they do there best to resolve the issues I raise. I am not a 'bulk' buyer, nor do I have friends, or relatives at the local dealership.

I usually have a courtesy car delivered and my own vehicle taken away for service. One day the driver left an extremely dirty A-class vehicle. I imeadiately contacted the Service manager and informed him of my dis-satisfaction, a second driver was despatched with a new ML350 and he took away the dirty car. I live in Torquay and the dealership is in Exeter so this was not a five minute journey.

Do not accept second class service, when you have a first class vehicle. Do not accept it. :) :)

I have heard people moan about the Exeter dealership, but when I tell them to put there complaint in writing they just say, "What's the use" and do not bother.

Mercedes Dealer are quick to take your money, and charge you top rate. I demand a top rate service.

Take care,

Thanks. It is always a good idea to remain polite but firm. If you get abusive, they concentrate on your abuse rather than dealing with your complaint.

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