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Crash on pcp


New Member
Oct 19, 2019
Mercedes A class
This is my first post I’m just seeing if anybody knows what I should do,
I crashed my car on my way home from work yesterday there was a woman on a moped at a crossroads and the guy I went into said she went to go as was clear so he did too Then she just stopped so he slammed his breaks on and I went into him obviously my fault as I still went in to him and she drove off unaware what had gone on... his van door is pretty bad but my cars a complete mess however the chassis is okay and I don’t think the radiator is damaged however I’m not sure & bonnet and front grill and bumper is just crushed. I’m just a bit worried as to what will happen with the insurance as I’ve seen cars that aren’t as bad written off. If this happens and I don’t have gap insurance am I going to be left with thousands of pounds left to pay? Also if it is fixable will it end up as a car S or C. Also I know a garage who does repairs which insurance companies use that would fix it for me but does this mean I wouldn't be able to get a courtesy car as they may want to chose there own garage? This may sound a really dumb post but I literally have no idea about anything really so I’m a bit stuck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Were you on the major or minor road at the crossroads? What signage was showing on your approach.
Not obviously your fault yet. Hope you didn't admit liability.
Your repair should be carried out at a Mercedes approved body shop to maintain the paint and body warranties.

You have the right to insist on that - regardless on what your insurers say.
First thing is that you must inform your insurance company of the collision. Once that’s done, they will guide you as to the process and what you need to do next.

It’s pointless speculating further at this stage.
It was my fault I was following a van who was following the moped and pulled out as was clear but the moped at the front slammed her brakes on even though it was clear so the van had to and I went into the back of the van as I saw was clear but carried on going whilst looking right not seeing they had stopped. The man in the van was really friendly and kind he said the moped stopped for no reason but either way I still went into him. Do I need to inform Mercedes I’ve had a crash as I’m on pcp?
It was my fault I was following a van who was following the moped and pulled out as was clear but the moped at the front slammed her brakes on even though it was clear so the van had to and I went into the back of the van as I saw was clear but carried on going whilst looking right not seeing they had stopped. The man in the van was really friendly and kind he said the moped stopped for no reason but either way I still went into him. Do I need to inform Mercedes I’ve had a crash as I’m on pcp?
No inform your insurance company
I’m fairly sure there will be something in the terms of your lease that says you need to inform them.

How long is left on the lease?
You have full comp insurance??
You have full comp insurance??

That will be a condition of the lease agreement.

As said:

Stop worrying

Inform your insurance company.

Ask about a courtesy car if it is in your insurance policy.

Insist on them using a MB approved body shop for the repairs.

Carefully read the terms and conditions of your lease regarding informing Mercedes Finance. (who, presumably own the car?)

Keep records of all correspondence, emails, 'phone calls in regard of the above. etc.
Hopefully your insurer knows the car is on PCP?
i don't suppose you have the details for the moped rider. Seems a bit strange that she stopped without reason, van stops, you did not......how do you know that it was not a planned set up? I would report the incident to the police just in case.
i don't suppose you have the details for the moped rider. Seems a bit strange that she stopped without reason, van stops, you did not......how do you know that it was not a planned set up? I would report the incident to the police just in case.
The gent who I went in too wasn’t too bothered he was really nice so i don’t think it was set up he works round the corner from me too and he said the moped driver just stopped for no reason so he had to slam his breaks on his van needs a new bumper and back door it’s not too bad it’s my car that’s a mess. My insurance company knows my car is on pcp.
Sounds like the Moped rider was very very lucky, most 'white van men' I know would probably just plowed over her ! :eek::p
This is why we have insurance...preferably fully comp.

It also highlights one of the pitfalls of renting via PCP, especially if you don't have “gap insurance”.

Hope the OP gets it fixed by his insurance co.
This is why we have insurance...preferably fully comp.

It also highlights one of the pitfalls of renting via PCP, especially if you don't have “gap insurance”.

Hope the OP gets it fixed by his insurance co.

Things might have changed but in the past insurers were duty bound to clear the finance in full, if bought for cash you would have to take their final offer.
Things might have changed but in the past insurers were duty bound to clear the finance in full, if bought for cash you would have to take their final offer.

Does that suggest that so called “gap insurance” could be the the next financial scandal, as it would be irrelevant to those buying on the never never?
I would not worry about it, chances are your insurance company will get your car fixed and will pay to fix the van.
The courtesy car is normally supplied by the repairing garage(a 1.0l something) don't expect anything great.
It will cost you the excess on your policy, The insurance premium may rise at the renewal but shop around.
If the insurer fixes the car it will not have any cat registered against it.
the car will only go on a cat N or cat S if the insurance company write it off, sell as salvage and it is then repaired and put back on the road.
One point to note is you might be compelled to have the car repaired by MB if that's the way it goes.

I've never had a car on lease or PCP but I learnt on here that it may be a condition of the agreement.

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