And it isn't just for reasons of pollution - it seems they have taken the IC engine as far as it will go, and there's nothing more they can do to improve it any further.
I suspect they will continue to manufacture IC-engined car for some time, for those markets where electric charging infrastructure is still far away (most of the developing world), or for areas where electric cars are unable to provide a solution as yet (long distance driving e.g. parts of the US, Canada, Australia, etc).
I sense the hand of DAIMLER's new Ceo OLA KAELLENIUS in this move. He's a marketing man rather than an Engineer and the first non German appointee. Daimler's new CEO adds international flair to Mercedes
With his quote
“The hearts of our vehicles used to be drivetrains, in the future it will be their hard drives,”
he is likely to move the selling emphasis away from engines to electronic gismos- possibly regarding the car as a means to an end --a "vehicle" -- sic to sell consumer electronics in an expensive box? OR as I have speculated before, in a possible shrinking market in an increasingly environmentally conscious world, where motoring might once more becomes the province of the wealthy, may also herald a return of Mercedes to the smaller luxury end of the market. No doubt there's a plan----the trick is sussing it out
And it isn't just for reasons of pollution - it seems they have taken the IC engine as far as it will go, and there's nothing more they can do to improve it any further.
Another interpretation is that they have taken the ICs they know as far as they want to and have now quit. No doubt encouraged toward EVs by noises from governments giving dates after which they wont permit sales of ICs - but without the required infrastructure in place to support EVs.
I suspect they will continue to manufacture IC-engined car for some time, for those markets where electric charging infrastructure is still far away (most of the developing world), or for areas where electric cars are unable to provide a solution as yet (long distance driving e.g. parts of the US, Canada, Australia, etc).