The only thing that will turn on the light (other than a wiring fault or a jammed float) is if there is insufficient fluid in the radiator and in the washer tank.
If the fluid level is too low, the float in the sensor will drop down and will cause the warning light to come on.
Are you sure the radiator is toped up, if it were at a low level it could also cause the washer light to come on as a double warning.
Did you wait the required 30 seconds after ignition is turned on to see if the washer and radiator light went out?
Disconnecting the sensor will not turn on the light, this applies to both sensors.
Bridging the sensor will turn on the light, this also applies to both sensors.
What I think may be happening here is that because the car wasn’t used for 6 months, the float in the radiator is jammed causing the light to think that the fluid level is low when in fact, the level is correct, in other words you are getting a false warning.
If the car isn’t overheating and the washer level is OK then I would ignore both warning lights for a while to see if the float, if stuck, will free itself… that’s what I would do anyway but would keep a very close eye on the fluid level for a while.