I have yet to hear if anyone that has done an E55K. There are some testimononials from W210 owners on the web but not W211.
Here were my expectations:
1. Cost £2,500, recovered in 12-14 months at my mileage.
2. Reduced power (5-10%) when in use, and at higher revs, but you can turn it off. remember this car has over 475bhp, and on my daily commute the best I get of that is the sound
What has become clear however is that there are a number of horror stories that seems to be associated with an LPG conversion - everyone seems to know someone who's had problems with their engine i.e. poor running; engine management or just complete failure. And it is this overriding question mark and uncertaintly that is making me (and no doubt many before me) shy away from the RISK.
The problem I have is that its all anecdotal - I just wish, as the OP states, someone had practical experience of the E55K.
Thanks to wemorgan for the feedback regarding his Jaguar owning friend.