Another handy tip related to this subject: If you do follow a link in an email and want to check the website displayed corresponds to the url show in the address bar, use the following bookmarklet:
Create a bookmark in your browser with the following info, then select it. A window pops up telling you the actual url vs the reported url. The server names should match.
jscript: Get actual URL (verbose)
java_script_:alert(%22The actual URL is:\t\t%22 + location.protocol + %22//%22 + location.hostname + %22/%22 + %22\nThe address URL is:\t\t%22 + location.href + %22\n%22 + %22\nIf the server names do not match, this may be a spoof.%22);
[this is one line, no carriage returns. remove _'s from java_script_]