If there are two tricks I have learnt already with this eco house they are:It's really important to look at the building fabric first. The two we are currently building we are making as air tight as possible with vapour barriers. They are relatively low value buildings so we are not fitting MHRV but sticking with individual extractor fans in kitchens & bathrooms and all windows have to have trickle vents. Makes you wonder if we would be better deleting the fans & trickle vents and deleting the vapour barrier
- Managing the house ventilation for maximum flow with minimum heat loss. I can do this with the whole house heat recovery system.
- Minimising the temperature gradient between heat sources and required temperatures.
Its pointless having a thermal store with a temperature way above anything you will use, this bleeds heat away wastefully. But you do want enough of a temperature differential that energy will actually flow!
Hot water temperature is set now at just the hottest we want a bath at and cold taps in bathrooms go unused.
Ask me in 9 months time, but I now believe that a net zero energy bill is entirely possible with this house, even with my mega-watt sound systems