2008 CLK 350 Sport Cab and 2021 BMW 520i M Sport Saloon
Dear god! Maybe I’m too risk averse but I can’t see how a wheel like that could be balanced properly and safe! No maths behind it is there?! Clever, but potentially a death trap!
Dear god! Maybe I’m too risk averse but I can’t see how a wheel like that could be balanced properly and safe! No maths behind it is there?! Clever, but potentially a death trap!
Dear god! Maybe I’m too risk averse but I can’t see how a wheel like that could be balanced properly and safe! No maths behind it is there?! Clever, but potentially a death trap!
At least at the end he owned up to it being a piece of carp. Around 6:18 it looked like it was about to collapse, and probably would have on a dry road with some traction. But he is known for doing this kind of stuff, fair play to him.
Good exerciser for the young lad in the workshop though. I like seeing youngsters learning skills that might actually be of use to someone.
Brilliant!! driving round in snow that would literally bring Britain to a halt and he can tell there's a leetle something not quite right - bless!!
Does it for me, got my order in - Gregor says should be with me by the end of next week, paid up front ..... Now if can just get these damn seized locking wheel bolts off.... !