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Fantastic Race Chip pedal box on Merc E Class w211


New Member
Sep 9, 2016
Purchased Race Chip pedal box for my E class after debating the pros & cons , came with 30 day trial.

Arrived from Germany to UK 3 days. Installation was easy. Read instructions. Wait 10 mins after locking car before disconecting throttle boxes.

Had my 3.0 diesel ECU V6 remapped stage 1 left me wanting more pedal response. Too much lag & delay on the pedal. Dont get me wrong I dont thrash my car but want better performace for many reasons. Hence the pedal box route from Race Chip.

My 2010 has only covered 14k dry miles from new.


Wow. Blimey. It is a hoot. Making driving my car so much better from pulling at low & high revs..

It is like driving an old throttle type car , instant response subject to your turbos performance. Think Renualt 5 Turbo (my first love).

Feels so much sharper , quicker and having various modes to choose from means that you can change whilst driving so long as you take your foot off the gas. Its fantastic & comes with 24 month warranty. Doesnt affect immessions , MOT etc. To me feels like its knocked seconds off my driving acceleration. The gear changes so much responsive. Race Chip in Race Mode & Merc Sport plus mode is scary. Dont do it.

I prefer sport / plus mode. Just touch the gas & off she goes . Click back to default your normal mode & it feels awful.. Stage 1 improved torque but combined with Race Chip its made all the difference. A new car for £189.00. Well worth it in my opinion :)
So you have a remap AND a chip tune at the same time?!

Is the MPG increase real or is it just tricking the computer?

I like the idea of an easily removable tune.

Edit: sorry, I now understand what the pedal box does.

Which stage 1 did you get, was it also from Racechip?
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Remap of ECU 6 months prior to installation of PEDAL BOX CHIP. This just clips into throttle cable. Thats how Race Chip describe it . Yes had both done
Remap of ECU 6 months prior to installation of PEDAL BOX CHIP. This just clips into throttle cable. Thats how Race Chip describe it . Yes had both done
The ECU remap was done by a different company . Its not an agrressive remap. Allows more torque MPG has increased with ECU REMAP . The pedal box chip does not affect MPG. If your drive hard of course you will see MPG drop. However. the PEDAL BOX has ECO & ECO PLUS modes. MPG has increased with both.
The ECU remap was done by a different company . Its not an agrressive remap. Allows more torque MPG has increased with ECU REMAP . The pedal box chip does not affect MPG. If your drive hard of course you will see MPG drop. However. the PEDAL BOX has ECO & ECO PLUS modes. MPG has increased with both.
Hindsight I would have tried the pedal box first, followed by ECU remap if required.
Eco and Eco+ have even slower throttle response than stock and stock is bad enough .
Don't see that this really does anything you couldn't achieve with a Mk1 foot
Don't see that this really does anything you couldn't achieve with a Mk1 foot

The Mk1 foot does not overcome the electronic lag that is inherent with electronic throttle pedals.
Electronic throttles do not have a linear response and can be damped electronically by the manufacturer - to force smoother driving response.
These pedal boxes improve the response time of electronic throttles and make a huge difference to throttle response!
That does not work with electronic throttles!!!
No matter how fast you floor the accelerator -the ECU interprets the signal and responds in its programmed way!

With the gizmo between the pedal and the ECU how can the ECU move before it had received the command? The command would have to be ahead of time but cannot exist until the pedal is activated.
I get that the choice of modes some manufacturers offer make a difference to response, but they are choosing different maps within the ECU - ie, the sharpness (or dullness) is decided after the pedal is depressed depending on what map is processing the info. How can a slow map be made fast when the delay is at the ECU end, not the pedal?
With the gizmo between the pedal and the ECU how can the ECU move before it had received the command? The command would have to be ahead of time but cannot exist until the pedal is activated.
I get that the choice of modes some manufacturers offer make a difference to response, but they are choosing different maps within the ECU - ie, the sharpness (or dullness) is decided after the pedal is depressed depending on what map is processing the info. How can a slow map be made fast when the delay is at the ECU end, not the pedal?
Maybe I am not explaining myself properly!
The pedal box increases the sensitivity of the pedal by injecting a larger value for a smaller input.
It probably makes the output linear - rather than a curve.
I have one fitted to my Audi TTS and it makes a huge difference to throttle response
I use the DTUK one.
Here is their explanation of how it works!
Throttle response
More likely is me not understanding!
I kinda get it - but the electronics getting ahead of time is what confuses me. Electronics confuse me.
From the site: The PedalBox reduces the pedal travel necessary in order to reach a "throttle wide open" state (full throttle response)
It appears to cram the the throttle response between 0% and 100% into shorter amount of travel
Like I said 'can be achieved with Mk1 foot'
Maybe I am not explaining myself properly!
The pedal box increases the sensitivity of the pedal by injecting a larger value for a smaller input.
It probably makes the output linear - rather than a curve.
I have one fitted to my Audi TTS and it makes a huge difference to throttle response
I use the DTUK one.
Here is their explanation of how it works!
Throttle response
Guys do your research look at videos and reviews. Nothing beats feedback. All cars are different, mileage use etc. But the electronic cables suck. Ive had lots of good toys that suffer the same problem. ECU re mapp did not correct this particular issue nor planting your foot down, changing pedals zilch waste of money. The only method proven are pedal box chip or similar types. MPG is down to how you drive the car to an extent and its servicing etc. (Tyres switched to Mitch Cross climate helped me all weathers & MPG) . In conclusion like Steve echoes its something you should research and decide upon. I was told by by garage that did the ECU that it would be a wasted of money. HOW WRONG THEY WERE , so it just shows there is no subtitute for experience. Got one & I love it , just saying because there was no real feed back on here I could see.
Or ...er move your foot faster :thumb:
Nope all electronic throttles have same lag delay issue. Remapps are for torque & revs etc. You need to research the pedal boxes & take it from me & others they do work wonders :)

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