Has anyone else been caught by the Flat Rate VAT trap....I am registered for VAT and it was suggested that I to go on the Flat Rate Scheme. In principel this seemed ok when I looked into it....I charge my clients VAT at 17.5% and pay Inland Revenue VAT at 12.5%
I have been doing this quite happlily for the past couple of years. Now I find that I should have been paying the IR 12.5% of my invoices + VAT (what they term "gross income" on their site. Thus if I were to charge my client £100 + VAT (£117.50), the IR reckon I should be paying them 12.5% or the £117.50 ie £14.69. I have been paying £100 x 12.5% ie £12.5. Thus being on the fixed rate VAT scheme is really only worth 2.8%.
Over the years, it seems I now owe a substantial amount of money in VAT. I am peeved as the way the IR present the Fixed Rate Scheme makes it appear relativly generous and worthwhile while, in practice, it seems it is worth less that it appeared initially. I have always been careful to make VAT payments when due and am annoyed to find out that I have to pay more to the IR to waste. I gather that many others have been caught out by this and owe back payments.
I have been doing this quite happlily for the past couple of years. Now I find that I should have been paying the IR 12.5% of my invoices + VAT (what they term "gross income" on their site. Thus if I were to charge my client £100 + VAT (£117.50), the IR reckon I should be paying them 12.5% or the £117.50 ie £14.69. I have been paying £100 x 12.5% ie £12.5. Thus being on the fixed rate VAT scheme is really only worth 2.8%.
Over the years, it seems I now owe a substantial amount of money in VAT. I am peeved as the way the IR present the Fixed Rate Scheme makes it appear relativly generous and worthwhile while, in practice, it seems it is worth less that it appeared initially. I have always been careful to make VAT payments when due and am annoyed to find out that I have to pay more to the IR to waste. I gather that many others have been caught out by this and owe back payments.